- Data from SOCAT v2021
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena CarboScope inversion sEXTALL_v2021
- Land/ocean fractions now calculated from "Earth2014" (Hirt and Rexer, 2015)
surface cover classification (small differences at land below sea level)
- Different data sets used for driver quantities:
- SST from HadleyEN
- sea-level pressure from JRA55-do rather than corrected surface pressure from NCEP
- wind speed from JRA55-do rather than NCEP
- Fraction of ice-free ocean now using absolute values, not divided by maximum any more
- Added "spin-up data" before valid period to stabilize initial transient
(pCO2 data copied to initial year 1951, shifted by temporal change in atmospheric pCO2 scaled by 0.93)
- new treatment of initial condition in budget eqn. on calculating a-priori mixed-layer carbon
- Data from SOCAT v2020
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena inversion sEXTALL_v2020
- The spatial resolution has been refined to 2.5 degrees longitude * 2 degrees latitude
(grid "2Hx2"; the grid structure is also more conventional now,
with a grid cell boundary at 180W -- see the coordinate values in the NetCDF file)
- The time period has also been extended into the past, now starting in 1957. This has been achieved by
- using the decadal flux trend from the data-driven OCIM model by deVries et al as decadal prior;
- using a hybrid algorithm,
first performing a multi-linear regression against long-term available environmental drivers,
and then adding a correction from an auto-regressive interpolation similar to the algorithm used so far.
All these changes will be described in detail in a paper to be submitted soon.
- Data from SOCAT v2019
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena inverion sEXTALL_v4.3
- Sea ice concentration
(downloaded 2019-03-12)
H. A. Titchner and N. A. Rayner:
The Met Office Hadley Centre sea ice and sea surface temperature data set, version 2:
1. Sea ice concentrations
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119, 2864-2889 (2014)
doi: 10.1002/2013JD020316.
B. Huang, P. W. Thorne, V. F. Banzon, T. Boyer, G. Chepurin, J. H. Lawrimore, M. J. Menne,
T. M. Smith, R. S. Vose, and H.-M. Zhang:
NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST), Version 5.
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (2017).
[accessed 2019-08-02]
- Data from SOCAT v6
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena inverion sEXToc_ATM0_v4.2
- Data from SOCAT v5
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena inverion s85_v4.1
- Data from SOCAT v4
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena inverion s85_v3.8
- Longer spin-up/down periods both before and after the data-constrained period
(if driver data do not cover the spin-up/down periods completely,
their time series is extended with its seasonal cycle).
- Data from SOCAT v3
- Atmospheric pCO2 field from Jena inverion s81_v3.7
- Slight change in numerical solver of the budget equation:
History flux now dynamically included
- Data updated to SOCAT v2
- Period extended to end of 2011