Department Biogeochemical Processes
Prof. Trumbore
The Biogeochemical Processes Division studies key processes and organisms that regulate the exchange of energy, water, and chemical compounds between ecosystems and their environments, and how these processes are affected by changes in climate and land use.
Within this broad goal, the Department maintains a focus on processes that are critical to understanding feedbacks between the land carbon cycle and climate and where lack of fundamental understanding currently limits the ability to predict the role of land as a source or sink for carbon in the coming decades to centuries. Broadly, the research in the Department shares the common goal to investigate processes that control how long carbon resides in ecosystem compartments, at spatial scales that span organisms to landscapes. Because of the importance of carbon to living organisms in storing energy and building structures, these processes are also fundamental to the functioning of ecosystems and their response to change.
At the organism (microbe or plant) scale, we investigate how environmental controls such as drought or substrate availability influence resource allocation and activity in ways that can alter the timescales of carbon storage. At the ecosystem scale, we investigate how biotic (e.g. community diversity) and abiotic factors (mineralogy or climate) alter land-atmosphere exchange and the timescales for stabilization or destabilization of C in soils. At the landscape scale, we assess how disturbance processes such as fire, drought, windthrow and herbivory, can alter ecosystem carbon stocks and cycling.
Approaches and Tools
Quantifying responses and feedbacks in complex, coupled systems requires a range of tools and approaches. Laboratory experiments manipulate individual factors such as temperature, biodiversity or nutrient availability to document how different components of the ecosystem respond to changing environmental conditions. We participate in large field experiments that manipulate biodiversity (Jena experiment) and disturbances such as fire (Tanguro experiment). Field observations of gradients of biodiversity through land management (Biodiversity Exploratories), or windthrows (ATTO) provide long-term field ‘experiments’. Links to our own Theory group, as well as other modeling groups in the Institute allow us to use our results to test theories/models of ecosystem/organism function. We also actively develop new analytical tools that allow us to evaluate the importance of processes across a range of spatial and temporal scales.
Recent Publications
Rocha, W.; Silverio, D. V.; Maracahipes-Santos, L.; Trumbore, S. E.; Malhi, Y.; Martorano, L. G.; Brando, P. M.: Drought and fire affect soil CO
2 efflux and use of non-structural carbon by roots in forests of southern Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management
585, 122584 (2025)
Bassi, L.; Hennecke, J.; Albracht, C.; Solbach, M. D.; Rai, A.; de Souza, Y. P. A.; Fox, A.; Zeng, M.; Döll, S.; Doan, V. C. et al.; Richter, R.; Kahl, A.; Sivers, L. V.; Winkler, L.; Eisenhauer, N.; Meyer, S. T.; van Dam, N. M.; Weigelt, A.: Plant species richness promotes the decoupling of leaf and root defence traits while species-specific responses in physical and chemical defences are rare. New Phytologist
246 (2), pp. 729 - 746 (2025)
de Broek, M. V.; Govers, G.; Schrumpf, M.; Six, J.: A microbially driven and depth-explicit soil organic carbon model constrained by carbon isotopes to reduce parameter equifinality. Biogeosciences
22 (5), pp. 1427 - 1446 (2025)
Jagdhuber, T.; Schmidt, A.-S.; Fluhrer, A.; Chaparro, D.; Jonard, F.; Piles, M.; Holtzman, N.; Konings, A. G.; Feldman, A. F.; Baur, M. J. et al.; Steele-Dunne, S.; Schellenberg, K.; Kunstmann, H.: Estimation of forest water potential from ground-based L-band radiometry. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
18, pp. 5509 - 5522 (2025)
Winton, R. S.; Benavides, J.; Mendoza, E.; Uhde, A.; Hastie, A.; Coronado, E. H.; Ortega, A. G. H.; Paukku, S.; Mullins, B.; del Aguila Pasquel, J. et al.; Corredor, G. A. A.; Baker, T.; Draper, F.; Llampazo, G. F.; Herrera, R.; Phillips, O. L.; Huaymacari, J. R.; ter Steege, H.; Stropp, J.; Lawson, I. T.; Gallego-Sala, A. V.; Boom, A.; Wehrli, B.; Hoyt, A. M.: Widespread carbon-dense peatlands in the Colombian lowlands. Environmental Research Letters (accepted)
Ruiz-Erazo, C. E.; Riascos-Acosta, R. I.; Guerrero-Martínez, E. S.; Marín-Vélez, A. M.; Sierra, C.; Ramírez-Correa, J. A.: Carbon sequestration potential in Retrophyllum rospigliosii (Pilg.) C. N. Page plantations for restoration purposes in the Colombian Andean region. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
91, e24009 (2025)
von Fromm, S. F.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Amenkhienan, B.; Hall, S. J.; Georgiou, K.; Pries, C. H.; Montaño-López, F.; Quesada, C. A.; Rasmussen, C.; Schrumpf, M. et al.; Singh, B.; Thompson, A.; Wagai, R.; Fiedler, S.: Moisture and soil depth govern relationships between soil organic carbon and oxalate-extractable metals at the global scale. Biogeochemistry
168, 20 (2025)
International Tree Mortality Network: ; Senf, C.; Hartmann, H.; et al.: Towards a global understanding of tree mortality. New Phytologist
245 (6), pp. 2377 - 2392 (2025)
Silva, J. S.; Pinel, S.; van Asperen, H.; Amaral, J. H. F.; Pimental, T. P.; da Cunha, H. B.; Krusche, A. V.; Forsberg, B. R.: Seasonal and extreme water level fluctuations impact methane concentrations and fluxes in two Amazon tributaries near Manaus. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (2025)