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Journal Article (81)

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Caetano-Andrade, V. L.; Clement, C. R.; Weigel, D.; Trumbore, S. E.; Boivin, N.; Schöngart, J.; Roberts, P.: Tropical trees as time capsules of anthropogenic activity. Trends in Plant Science 25 (4), pp. 369 - 380 (2020)
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Buzhdygan, O. Y.; Meyer, S. T.; Weisser, W. W.; Eisenhauer, N.; Ebeling, A.; Borrett, S. R.; Buchmann, N.; Cortois, R.; Deyn, G. B. D.; de Kroon, H. et al.: Biodiversity increases multitrophic energy use efficiency, flow and storage in grasslands. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, pp. 393 - 405 (2020)
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Linscheid, N.; Estupinan-Suarez, L. M.; Brenning, A.; Carvalhais, N.; Cremer, F.; Gans, F.; Rammig, A.; Reichstein, M.; Sierra, C.; Mahecha, M. D.: Towards a global understanding of vegetation–climate dynamicsat multiple timescales. Biogeosciences 17 (4), pp. 945 - 962 (2020)
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Bourtsoukidis, E.; Pozzer, A.; Sattler, T.; Matthaios, V.N.; Ernle, L.; Edtbauer, A.; Fischer, H.; Könemann, T.; Osipov, S.; Paris, J.-D. et al.: The Red Sea Deep Water is a potent source of atmospheric ethane and propane. Nature Communications 11 (1), 447 (2020)
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Pries, C. H.; Angert, A.; Castanha, C.; Hilman, B.; Torn, M. S.: Using respiration quotients to track changing sources of soil respiration seasonally and with experimental warming. Biogeosciences 17 (12), pp. 3045 - 3055 (2020)
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Schädel, C.; Beem-Miller, J.; Azizi-Rad, M.; Crow, S. E.; Pries, C. H.; Ernakovich, J.; Hoyt, A. M.; Plante, A.; Stoner, S.; Treat, C. C. et al.: Decomposability of soil organic matter over time: the Soil Incubation Database (SIDb, version 1.0) and guidance for incubation procedures. Earth System Science Data 12 (3), pp. 1511 - 1524 (2020)