Zeitschriftenartikel (108)

Spohn, M.; Braun, S.; Sierra, C. A.: Continuous decrease in soil organic matter despite increased plant productivity in an 80-years-old phosphorus-addition experiment. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 251 (2023)
Sarquis, A.; Sierra, C. A.: Information content in time series of litter decomposition studies and the transit time of litter in arid lands. Biogeosciences 20 (9), S. 1759 - 1771 (2023)
Jia, J.; Liu, Z.; Haghipour, N.; Wacker, L.; Zhang, H.; Sierra, C. A.; Ma, T.; Wang, Y.; Chen, L.; Luo, A. et al.; Wang, Z.; He, J.-S.; Zhao, M.; Eglinton, T. I.; Feng, X.: Molecular 14C evidence for contrasting turnover and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter components. Ecology Letters 26 (5), S. 778 - 788 (2023)
Giraldo, J. A.; Valle, J. I. d.; González-Caro, S.; David, D. A.; Taylor, T.; Tobón, C.; Sierra, C. A.: Tree growth periodicity in the ever-wet tropical forest of the Americas. Journal of Ecology 111 (4), S. 889 - 902 (2023)
Sierra, C. A.; Quetin, G. R.; Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.: A decrease in the age of respired carbon from the terrestrial biosphere and increase in the asymmetry of its distribution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 381 (2261), 20220200 (2023)
Scheibe, A.; Sierra, C. A.; Spohn, M.: Recently fixed carbon fuels microbial activity several meters below the soil surface. Biogeosciences 20 (4), S. 827 - 838 (2023)
Wells, J. M.; Crow, S. E.; Sierra, C.; Deenik, J. L.; Carlson, K. M.; Meki, M. N.; Kiniry, J.: Edaphic controls of soil organic carbon in tropical agricultural landscapes. Scientific Reports 12, 21574 (2022)
Crow, S. E.; Sierra, C.: The climate benefit of sequestration in soils for warming mitigation. Biogeochemistry 161, S. 71 - 84 (2022)
Salazar, A.; Sanchez, A.; Dukes, J. S.; Salazar, J. F.; Clerici, N.; Lasso, E.; Sanchez-Pacheco, S. J.; Rendon, A. M.; Villegas, J. C.; Sierra, C. et al.; Poveda, G.; Quesada, B.; Uribe, M. R.; Rodríguez-Buritica, S.; Ungar, P.; Pulido-Santacruz, P.; Ruiz-Morato, N.; Arias, P. A.: Peace and the environment at the crossroads: Elections in a conflict-troubled biodiversity hotspot. Environmental Science and Policy 135, S. 77 - 85 (2022)
Xiao, L.; Wang, G.; Wang, M.; Zhang, S.; Sierra, C.; Guo, X.; Chang, J.; Shi, Z.; Luo, Z.: Younger carbon dominates global soil carbon efflux. Global Change Biology 28 (18), S. 5587 - 5599 (2022)
Sierra, C.; Ceballos-Núñez, V.; Hartmann, H.; Herrera-Ramirez, D.; Metzler, H.: Ideas and perspectives: Allocation of carbon from net primary production in models is inconsistent with observations of the age of respired carbon. Biogeosciences 19 (16), S. 3727 - 3738 (2022)
Sarquis, A.; Siebenhart, I. A.; Austin, A. T.; Sierra, C. A.: Aridec: an open database of litter mass loss from aridlands worldwide with recommendations on suitable model applications. Earth System Science Data 14 (7), S. 3471 - 3488 (2022)
Luo, Y.; Huang, Y.; Sierra, C.; Xia, J.; Ahlström, A.; Chen, Y.; Hararuk, O.; Hou, E.; Jiang, L.; Liao, C. et al.; Lu, X.; Shi, Z.; Smith, B.; Tao, F.; Wang, Y.-P.: Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14 (7), e2022MS003008 (2022)
Vásquez, M.; Lara, W.; del Valle, J. I.; Sierra, C.: Reconstructing past fossil-fuel CO2 concentrations using tree rings and radiocarbon in the urban area of Medellín, Colombia. Environmental Research Letters 17 (5), 055008 (2022)
Chanca, I.; Trumbore, S. E.; Macario, K.; Sierra, C.: Probability distributions of radiocarbon in open linear compartmental systems at steady-state. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127 (3), e2021JG006673 (2022)
Azizi-Rad, M.; Guggenberger, G.; Mad, Y.; Sierra, C. A.: Sensitivity of soil respiration rate with respect to temperature, moisture and oxygen under freezing and thawing. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 165, 108488 (2022)
Heckman, K.; Hicks Pries, C. E.; Lawrence, C. R.; Rasmussen, C.; Crow , S. E.; Hoyt, A. M.; von Fromm, S. F.; Shi, Z.; Stoner, S.; McGrath, C. et al.; Beem-Miller, J.; Berhe, A. A.; Blankinship, J. C.; Keiluweit, M.; Marín-Spiotta, E.; Monroe, J. G.; Plante, A. F.; Schimel, J.; Sierra, C.; Thompson, A.; Wagai, R.: Beyond bulk: Density fractions explain heterogeneity in global soil carbon abundance and persistence. Global Change Biology 28 (3), S. 1178 - 1196 (2022)
Giraldo, J. A.; del Valle, J. I.; González-Caro, S.; Sierra, C.: Intra-annual isotope variations in tree rings reveal growth rhythms within the least rainy season of an ever-wet tropical forest. Trees 36 (3), S. 1039 - 1052 (2022)
Uribe, M. R.; Sierra, C.; Dukes, J. S.: Seasonality of tropical photosynthesis: A pantropical map of correlations with precipitation and radiation and comparison to model outputs. Biogeosciences 126 (11), e2020JG006123 (2021)
Chanca, I.; Borges, C.; Colonese, A. C.; Macario, K.; Toso, A.; Fontanals-Coll, M.; Anjos, R. d.; Muniz, M.; Pereira, R.; Talamo, S. et al.; Milheira, R. G.: Food and diet of the pre-Columbian mound builders of the Patos Lagoon region in southern Brazil with stable isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 133, 105439 (2021)
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