Zeitschriftenartikel (108)

Schädel, C.; Beem-Miller, J.; Azizi-Rad, M.; Crow, S. E.; Pries, C. H.; Ernakovich, J.; Hoyt, A. M.; Plante, A.; Stoner, S.; Treat, C. C. et al.; Sierra, C.: Decomposability of soil organic matter over time: the Soil Incubation Database (SIDb, version 1.0) and guidance for incubation procedures. Earth System Science Data 12 (3), S. 1511 - 1524 (2020)
Sierra, C. A.; Hoyt, A. M.; He, Y.; Trumbore, S. E.: Soil organic matter persistence as a stochastic process: age and transit time distributions of carbon in soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 (10), S. 1574 - 1588 (2018)
Salazar, A.; Sanchez, A.; Villegas, J. C.; Salazar, J. F.; Carrascal, D. R.; Sitch, S.; Restrepo, J. D.; Poveda, G.; Feeley, K. J.; Mercado, L. M. et al.; Arias, P. A.; Sierra, C. A.; Uribe, M. d. R.; Rendón, A. M.; Pérez, J. C.; Tortarolo, G. M.; Mercado-Bettin, D.; Posada, J. A.; Zhuang, Q.; Dukes, J. S.: The ecology of peace: preparing Colombia for new political and planetary climates. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (9), S. 1 - 7 (2018)
Völkel, H.; Bolivar, J. M.; Sierra, C. A.: Stabilization of carbon in mineral soils from mangroves of the Sinú river delta, Colombia. Wetlands Ecology and Management 26 (5), S. 931 - 942 (2018)
Sierra, C. A.; Ceballos-Núñez, V.; Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.: Representing and understanding the carbon cycle using the theory of compartmental dynamical systems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10 (8), S. 1729 - 1734 (2018)
Blankinship, J. C.; Berhe, A. A.; Crow, S. E.; Druhan, J. L.; Heckman, K. A.; Keiluweit, M.; Lawrence, C. R.; Marín-Spiotta, E.; Plante, A. F.; Rasmussen, C. et al.; Schädel, C.; Schimel, J. P.; Sierra, C. A.; Thompson, A.; Wagai, R.; Wieder, W. R.: Improving understanding of soil organic matter dynamics by triangulating theories, measurements, and models. Biogeochemistry 140 (1), S. 1 - 13 (2018)
Boone, L.; Van linden, V.; Roldán-Ruiz, I.; Sierra, C. A.; Vandecasteele, B.; Sleutel, S.; Meester, S. D.; Muylle, H.; Dewulf, J.: Introduction of a natural resource balance indicator to assess soil organic carbon management: Agricultural Biomass Productivity Benefit. Journal of Environmental Management 224, S. 202 - 214 (2018)
McDowell, N.; Allen, C. D.; Anderson-Teixeira, K.; Brando, P.; Brienen, R.; Chambers, J.; Christoffersen, B.; Davies, S.; Doughty, C.; Duque, A. et al.; Espirito-Santo, F.; Fisher, R.; Fontes, C. G.; Galbraith, D.; Goodsman, D.; Grossiord, C.; Hartmann, H.; Holm, J.; Johnson, D. J.; Kassim, A. R.; Keller, M.; Koven, C.; Kueppers, L.; Kumagai, T.; Malhi, Y.; McMahon, S. M.; Mencuccini, M.; Meir, P.; Moorcroft, P.; Muller-Landau, H. C.; Phillips, O. L.; Powell, T.; Sierra, C.; Sperry, J.; Warren, J.; Xu, C.; Xu, X.: Drivers and mechanisms of tree mortality in moist tropical forests. New Phytologist 219 (3), S. 851 - 869 (2018)
Crow, S. E.; Sierra, C. A.: Dynamic, intermediate soil carbon pools may drive future responsiveness to environmental change. Journal of Environmental Quality 47 (4), S. 607 - 616 (2018)
Spohn, M.; Sierra, C. A.: How long do elements cycle in terrestrial ecosystems? Biogeochemistry 139 (1), S. 69 - 83 (2018)
Crow, S. E.; Deem, L. M.; Wells, J. M.; Sierra, C.: Belowground carbon dynamics in tropical perennial C4 grass agroecosystems. Frontiers of Environmental Science 6, 18 (2018)
Rasmussen, C.; Heckman, K.; Wieder, W. R.; Keiluweit, M.; Lawrence, C. R.; Berhe, A. A.; Blankinship, J. C.; Crow, S. E.; Druhan, J. L.; Pries, C. E. H. et al.; Marin-Spiotta, E.; Plante, A. F.; Schadel, C.; Schimel, J. P.; Sierra, C.; Thompson, A.; Wagai, R.: Beyond clay: towards an improved set of variables for predicting soil organic matter content. Biogeochemistry 137 (3), S. 297 - 306 (2018)
Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.; Sierra, C.: Transit-time and age distributions for nonlinear time-dependent compartmental systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (6), S. 1150 - 1155 (2018)
Bolivar, J. M.; Gutierrez-Velez, V. H.; Sierra, C. A.: Carbon stocks in aboveground biomass for Colombian mangroves with associated uncertainties. Regional studies in marine science 18, S. 145 - 155 (2018)
Ceballos-Núñez, V.; Richardson, A. D.; Sierra, C.: Ages and transit times as important diagnostics of model performance for predicting carbon dynamics in terrestrial vegetation models. Biogeosciences 15 (5), S. 1607 - 1625 (2018)
Metzler, H.; Sierra, C.: Linear autonomous compartmental models as continuous-time Markov chains: transit-time and age distributions. Mathematical Geosciences 50 (1), S. 1 - 34 (2018)
Sierra, C.: Forecasting atmospheric radiocarbon decline to pre-bomb values. Radiocarbon 60 (4), S. 1055 - 1066 (2018)
Mueller, M.; Sierra, C.: Application of input to state stability to reservoir models. Theoretical Ecology 10 (4), S. 451 - 475 (2017)
Sierra, C.; Mahecha, M. D.; Poveda, G.; Álvarez-Dávila, E.; Gutierrez-Velez, V. H.; Reuf, B.; Feilhauer, H.; Anáya, J.; Armenteras, D.; Benavides, A. M. et al.; Buendiak, C.; Duque, Á.; Estupinan-Suarez, L. M.; González, C.; Gonzalez-Caro, S.; Jimenez, R.; Kraemer, G.; Londoño, M. C.; Orrego, S. A.; Posada, J. M.; Ruiz-Carrascalo, D.; Skowronek, S.: Monitoring ecological change during rapid socio-economic and political transitions: Colombian ecosystems in the post-conflict era. Environmental Science and Policy 76, S. 40 - 49 (2017)
Sierra, C.; Müller, M.; Metzler, H.; Manzoni, S.; Trumbore, S. E.: The muddle of ages, turnover, transit, and residence times in the carbon cycle. Global Change Biology 23 (5), S. 1763 - 1773 (2017)
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