Extreme Events: Building Climate Resilient Societies
- Start: Oct 9, 2019
- End: Oct 11, 2019
- Location: Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany
- Host: Markus Reichstein

The overall objective of the conference is to elucidate the relations between climate extremes, societal resilience, and sustainable development goals. In particular, with a global perspective, we will identify the major obstacles for building climate resilience across regions and sectors, and identify priorities and means to address these obstacles. We aim to develop both strategic agendas for research and for best-practice design and implementation.
Researchers and professionals from business and administration with a link to climate extremes from all fields (e.g. history, climate science, data science, economics, ecology, health, mathematics, psychology, sociology, risk assessment, political sciences) are welcome to attend the conference. Correspondingly, we have confirmed attendance from international players as key note speakers and session chairs, covering a broad range from academic sociology to insurance industry