AGU Fall Meeting 2020
- Start: Dec 1, 2020
- End: Dec 17, 2020
- Location: Virtual
- Host: Ana Bastos, Markus Reichstein

B045 - Advances in understanding water-carbon interactions
(Co-)Convener:Ana Bastos, Markus Reichstein
Venue: AGU Fall Meeting online
Date: 1-17 December 2020
This session encourages contributions exploring carbon-water
interactions at various spatial and temporal scales, covering all types
of biomes (boreal, temperate and tropical forests, grasslands,
wetlands). Contributions might include for example 1) investigating the
effect of nonlinearities in the response of ecosystems to weather and
climate, 2) disentangling the impact of co-varying, drought-driven
changes in soil moisture, vapour pressure deficit, or temperature, 3)
using in-situ or satellite observations to evaluate or improve models,
4) developing new representations of plant and ecosystem response to
stress (e.g. through plant hydraulics, optimality approaches, etc.).