Workshop: Exploring the Earth System Data Cube
- Beginn: 26.11.2015
- Ende: 27.11.2015
- Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
- Gastgeber: Miguel Mahecha

Across Europe (and elsewhere), many projects and scientists are working
in parallel on the question of how to tap into the potential of a
simultaneous exploration of multiple Earth Observations (EOs). The
CAB-LAB project aims to support the exploration of multiple ESA-EOs
(together with other relevant data streams) to better characterize the
trajectories of land ecosystem changes. The focal topic for this
workshop is co-interpreting EOs for their capacity to extract
longer-term transformations and represent impacts of extreme anomalies
on land ecosystems. This is a pressing scientific challenge, currently
being tackled on many fronts. Participants are invited from across this
diverse community to explore the issues together.