AGU Fall Meeting 2016
- Beginn: 12.12.2016
- Ende: 16.12.2016
- Ort: San Francisco, USA
- Gastgeber: Sönke Zähle

B52D: Vegetation Canopies: Observations and Theory of Physiology, Structure, and Function
12 - 16 December 2016
Co-Convener: Sönke Zaehle
In this session we will explore the relative roles of leaf physiology,
phenology, microclimate and canopy structure in determining ecosystem
states, traits and rates. We are particularly interested in studies that
use novel observational and theoretical approaches to examine changes
in canopy form and function, particularly those that bridge traditional
boundaries with new theory, observations and models across scales. We
encourage submissions of studies merging field and experimental
observations, with both near-surface and remote sensing techniques.