Workshop Examining Transpiration from Ecosystem to Global Scales
- Start: Sep 5, 2018
- End: Sep 7, 2018
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
- Host: Jacob Nelson

Organizer: Jacob Nelson
Ecosystem transpiration has become a hot topic lately, with a surge of new methods and datasets coming out, such as data driven partitioning of eddy covariance fluxes and aggregations of site level transpiration estimates (e.g. SAPFLUXNET). New methods have their strengths and weaknesses, but have the potential to advance both the global modeling community on transpiration dynamics as well as focused studies at target ecosystems.
In order to better understand what is now available in the community, what is needed, and what sort of validation is necessary for current and future estimates of transpiration, we would like to propose a workshop which would bring together potential users and producers of transpiration datasets with a focus on high global and/or temporal coverage