Deep learning and Process Understanding for Data-Driven Earth System Science

  • Datum: 30.01.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 17:00 - 18:00
  • Vortragende(r): Markus Reichstein
  • Ort: Online
  • Gastgeber: AI Excellence Lecture Series
Deep learning and Process Understanding for Data-Driven Earth System Science
For a better understanding of the Earth system we need a stronger integration of observations and (mechanistic) models. Classical model-data integration approaches start with a model structure and try to estimate states or parameters via data assimilation and inverse modelling, respectively. Sometimes, several model structures are employed and evaluated, e.g. in Bayesian model averaging, but still parametric model structures are assumed.Recently, Reichstein et al. (2019) proposed a fusion of machine learning and mechanistic modelling approaches into so-called hybrid modelling. Ideally, this combines scientific consistency with the versatility of data driven approaches and is expected to allow for better predictions and better understanding of the system, e.g. by inferring unobserved variables. This talk will elaborateon developments of this concept and illustrate its promise but also challenges with examples on biosphere-atmosphere exchange, and carbon and water cycles from the ecosystem to the global scale.

The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) has been created to offer access to knowledge and expertise and attract PhD talents in Europe. The AI Excellence Lecture Series offers lectures alternatingly by top highly-cited senior AI scientists internationally or Junior AI scientists with the promise of excellence (AI sprint lectures).

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