ELLIS Summer School "AI for Earth & Climate Sciences"

  • Beginn: 01.09.2025
  • Ende: 05.09.2025
  • Ort: Jena, Germany
ELLIS Summer School "AI for Earth & Climate Sciences"

The 2025 ELLIS Summer School on AI for Earth & Climate Sciences is the premier event for ELLIS PhD students, MSc students, and postdocs at the intersection of machine learning and geoscience to meet in person. During the week filled with keynotes, hands-on classes and project work the school will focus on cutting-edge research and discuss the latest advancements in the field. This interdisciplinary program will shape the future for the community of AI, Earth and Climate scientists by fostering collaboration among the next generation of interdisciplinary researchers.

o High-profile Keynotes from top-level scientists
o Zero-to-Hero classes on key methodologies
o Poster sessions facilitating discussion
o Student research projects on high performance computing
o Fun social activities


The school takes place in Jena (Germany) and is organised by the Jena ELLIS Unit in collaboration with Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Michael Stifel Center Jena and Carl Zeiss Foundation.

February, 3: Applications open
March, 31: Early application round closes
April, 30: Selected Applicants for the early round are notified
May, 1: Second round of application opens
July: Latest possibility for applications
September, 1-5: Summer School

Apply now!

Watch a promotional video on the ELLIS network here.

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