Registration for the Core course: Atmosphere, Ocean and Land

MPI for Biogeochemistry, lecture hall,
June, 2025

Info: The maximum number of participants is limited to 20 (first come, first served). IMPRS members (especially advanced doctoral researchers) have priority. In case more people sign up than can actually participate, you will be informed whether you are on the final list of participants or on the waiting list.

Click here for more information.

Registration deadline: 2025-06-03

Fields marked with * have to be filled out.

First name(s) *
Surname *
Email *

Affiliation *
IMPRS members will have priority in case the there are more interested scientists than places
MPI-CE (not in IMPRS-CE)
Please specify if your affiliation is 'other',

Computer * I can bring a laptop to the course.
Please arrange a computer for me
Please indicate your research field