Dr. Evgenii Churiulin

Scientific Programmer
ITP B3.22

Curriculum Vitae

Main focus:

I am a broadly trained hydrometeorologist studying the underlying processes of land cover interactions in the numerical weather prediction and climate models. My research interests are related to the improvement of the numerical parameterization schemes for snow cover, vegetation and fires in regional climate models. Also, I'm interesting in the developing my personal scripts for data analysis and postprocessing of output data from the models, like COSMO, COSMO-CLM, OCN. 

Curriculum Vitae:

06.2022 - 12.2023 - Scientific programmer at Max Planck Institute for
08.2020 - 05.2022 - Postdoctoral fellow at University of Kassel
02.2017 - 08.2020 - Researcher at Hydrometcenter of Russia
10.2014 - 09.2016 - Junior Researcher at Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute

Education background

10.2016 - 12.2019 - Ph.D at Lomonosov Moscow State University
09.2014 - 06.2016 - M.Sc at Russian State Hydrometeorological University
09.2010 - 06.2014 - B.Sc at Russian State Hydrometeorological University

Teaching experience and advanced trainings:

10.2021 - 05.2022 - Data analyst professional training course at Yandex
10.2017 - 12.2019 - Lecturer at Lomonosov Moscow State University (courses: hydrology and snow hydrology).



  1. Churiulin, E., Kopeikin, V., Übel, M., Helmert, J., Bettems, J., & Tölle, H. (2021). Improving the stomatal resistance, photosynthesis and two big leaf algorithms for grass in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. Biogeosciences, 1–32. (preprint) link;
  2. Tölle, M. H., & Churiulin, E. (2021). Sensitivity of Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations to Changes in Land Cover Input Data: Role of Land Surface Characteristics for Temperature and Climate Extremes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9(October), 1–22. link;
  3. Shikhov, A., & Churiulin, E. (2020). Comparison of snow water equivalent estimates calculated by SnoWE and ICON models on the example of the Kama River basin. E3S Web of Conferences, 163. link;
  4. Churiulin, E., Kopeykin, V., Frolova, N., & Krylenko, I. (2020). Numerical experiments in calculating snow water equivalent and estimating their impact on the formation of spring floods. E3S Web of Conferences, 163. link;
  5. Churiulin, E. (2019) Applying of satellite and model information about snow cover for calculations of spring flood parameters: PhD dissertation … candidature of geographical science: 25.00.27 – Land hydrology, water resources and hydrochemistry. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow. 175 p. link;
  6. Churiulin, E., Krylenko, I., Frolova, N., & Belyaev, B. (2019). Research of opportunities of combined use of the runoff formation ECOMAG model and mesoscale atmosphere circulation COSMO-Ru model (on the example of floods on the Sukhona River at the Velikiy Ustyug). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 263(1). link;
  7. Churiulin, E., & Zhdanova, E. Y. (2019). Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow Cover Characteristics in Moscow Region in Recent Decades (2000 ― 2018). Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 46(55), 43–58. link;
  8. Rozinkina, I., Astakhova E., Tsvetkov V., Alferov Y., Ponomareva T., Nikitin A., Vaskova D., Kopeykin V., & Churiulin E. (2019). Development of deterministic and ensemble numerical weather prediction systems based on the global spectral atmospheric model of the Hydrometcentre of Russia in 2009 – 2019. Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting, 374(4), 54–76. link text;
  9. Churiulin, E., Krylenko, I., Frolova, N., Belyaev, B., & Rozinkina, I. (2019). Flood estimation for the Sukhona River based on the joint use of ECOMAG and COSMO-Ru models. Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting, 371(1), 6–24. link;
  10. Rivin, G., Rozinkina, I., Astakhova, E., Blinov, D., Bundel, A, Kirsanov, A., Shatunova, M., Chubarova, N., Alferov, Y., Varentsov, M., Zakharchenko, D., Kopeykin, V., Nikitin, M., Poliukhov, A., Revokatova, A., Tatarinovich, E., & Churiulin, E. (2019). COSMO-Ru high-resolution short-range numerical weather prediction system: its development and applications. Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting, 374(4), 37-53. link;
  11. Helmert, J., Lange, M., Dong, J., De Rosnay, P., Gustafsson, D., Churulin, E., Kurzeneva, E., Müller, R., Trentmann, J., Souverijns, N., Koch, R., Böhm, U., Bartik, M., Osuch, M., Rozinkina, I., Bettems, J. M., Samuelsson, P., Marcucci, F., & Milelli, M. (2018). 1st snow data assimilation workshop in the framework of COST HarmoSnow ESSEM 1404. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 27(4), 325–333. link;
  12. Agafonova S., Aibulatov, V., Baburin, V., & Churiulin, E et al., (2019). Atlas ‘Russian Arctic: Space. Time. Resources’. M. Feoria, 796 p. ISBN 9785917960661;
  13. Churiulin E., Kopeykin V., Rozinkina I., Frolova N., & Churiulina A. (2018). Analysis of snow cover characteristics by satellite and model data for different catchment areas are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting, 368(2), 120-143, link;
  14. Churiulin, E., Kopeykin, V., & Rozinkina I. (2018). Preprocessing of SnoWE model: preparing and adapting initial meteorological data. Certificate of registration program for PC №2018666844. Date of registration – 21 December 2018;
  15. Churiulin, E., Kopeykin, V., Rozinkina, I., & Blinov, D. (2018). Postprocessing of SnoWE model: Forming of output production with information about snow water equivalent and snow density for hydrological and meteorological models. Certificate of registration program for PC №2018666845. Date of registration – 21 December 2018;
  16. Churiulin, E., Kopeykin, V., Rozinkina, I., Chumakov M., Kuzmina, E. (2018) Snow cover model – SnoWE. Certificate of registration program for PC №2018666846. Date of registration – 21 December 2018.

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