Publikationen von Markus Reichstein

Zeitschriftenartikel (336)

Kayler, Z. E.; Premke, K.; Gessler, A.; Gessner, M. O.; Griebler, C.; Hilt, S.; Klemedtsson, L.; Kuzyakov, Y.; Reichstein, M.; Siemens, J. et al.; Totsche, K.-U.; Tranvik, L.; Wagner, A.; Weitere, M.; Grossart, H.-P.: Integrating aquatic and terrestrial perspectives to improve insights into organic matter cycling at the landscape scale. Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 127 (2019)
Jung, M.; Koirala, S.; Weber, U.; Ichii, K.; Gans, F.; Camps-Valls, G.; Papale, D.; Schwalm, C.; Tramontana, G.; Reichstein, M.: The FLUXCOM ensemble of global land-atmosphere energy fluxes. Scientific Data 6, 74 (2019)
Keenan, T. F.; Migliavacca, M.; Papale, D.; Baldocchi, D.; Reichstein, M.; Torn, M.; Wutzler, T.: Widespread inhibition of daytime ecosystem respiration. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (3), S. 407 - 415 (2019)
Reichstein, M.; Camps-Valls, G.; Stevens, B.; Jung, M.; Denzler, J.; Carvalhais, N.; Prabhat: Deep learning and process understanding for data-driven Earth system science. Nature 566 (7743), S. 195 - 204 (2019)
Besnard, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Arain, M. A.; Black, A.; Brede, B.; Buchmann, N.; Chen, J.; Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Dutrieux, L. P.; Gans, F. et al.; Herold, M.; Jung, M.; Kosugi, Y.; Knohl, A.; Law, B. E.; Paul-Limoges, E.; Lohila, A.; Merbold, L.; Roupsard, O.; Valentini, R.; Wolf, S.; Zhang, X.; Reichstein, M.: Memory effects of climate and vegetation affecting net ecosystem CO2 fluxes in global forests. PLoS One 14 (2), e0211510 (2019)
Knauer, J.; Zaehle, S.; Kauwe, M. G. D.; Bahar, N. H. A.; Evans, J. R.; Medlyn, B. E.; Reichstein, M.; Werner, C.: Effects of mesophyll conductance on vegetation responses to elevated CO2 concentrations in a land surface model. Global Change Biology 25 (5), S. 1820 - 1838 (2019)
Nair, R. K. F.; Morris, K. A.; Hertel, M.; Luo, Y.; Moreno, G.; Reichstein, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Migliavacca, M.: N: P stoichiometry and habitat effects on Mediterranean savanna seasonal root dynamics. Biogeosciences 16 (9), S. 1883 - 1901 (2019)
Besnard, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Arain, A.; Black, A.; de Bruin, S.; Buchmann, N.; Cescatti, A.; Chen, J.; Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Desai, A. R. et al.; Gough, C. M.; Havrankova, K.; Herold, M.; Hörtnagl, L.; Jung, M.; Knohl, A.; Kruijt, B.; Krupkova, L.; Law, B. E.; Lindroth, A.; Noormets, A.; Roupsard, O.; Steinbrecher, R.; Varlagin, A.; Vincke, C.; Reichstein, M.: Quantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters 13 (12), 124018 (2018)
Moreno-Martínez, Á.; Camps-Valls, G.; Kattge, J.; Robinson, N.; Reichstein, M.; Bodegom, P. V.; Kramer, K.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Reich, P. B.; Bahn, M. et al.; Niinemets, Ü.; Peñuelas, J.; Craine, J.; Cerabolini, B.; Minden, V.; Laughlin, D. C.; Sack, L.; Allred, B.; Baraloto, C.; Byun, C.; Soudzilovskaia, N. A.; Running, S. W.: A methodology to derive global maps of leaf traits using remote sensing and climate data. Remote Sensing of Environment 218, S. 69 - 88 (2018)
Flach, M.; Sippel, S.; Gans, F.; Bastos, A.; Brenning, A.; Reichstein, M.; Mahecha, M. D.: Contrasting biosphere responses to hydrometeorological extremes: revisiting the 2010 western Russian Heatwave. Biogeosciences 16, S. 6067 - 6085 (2018)
Perez‑Priego, O.; Katul, G.; Reichstein, M.; El-Madany, T. S.; Ahrens, B.; Carrara, A.; Scanlon, T. M.; Migliavacca, M.: Partitioning eddy covariance water flux components using physiological and micrometeorological approaches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (10), S. 3353 - 3370 (2018)
Wutzler, T.; Lucas-Moffat, A.; Migliavacca, M.; Knauer, J.; Sickel, K.; Šigut, L.; Menzer, O.; Reichstein, M.: Basic and extensible post-processing of eddy covariance flux data with REddyProc. Biogeosciences 15 (16), S. 5015 - 5030 (2018)
Luo, Y.; El-Madany, T. S.; Filippa, G.; Ma, X.; Ahrens, B.; Carrara, A.; Gonzalez-Cascon, R.; Cremonese, E.; Galvagno, M.; Hammer, T. W. et al.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Martín, M. P.; Moreno, G.; Pérez-Priego, O.; Reichstein, M.; Richardson, A. D.; Römermann, C.; Migliavacca, M.: Using near-infrared-enabled digital repeat photography to track structural and physiological phenology in mediterranean tree–grass ecosystems. Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1293 (2018)
Urbazaev, M.; Cremer, F.; Migliavacca, M.; Reichstein, M.; Schmullius, C.; Thiel, C.: Potential of multi-temporal ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR data for vegetation height estimation in tropical forests of Mexico. Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1277 (2018)
El-Madany, T. S.; Reichstein, M.; Pérez‑Priego, O.; Carrara, A.; Moreno, G.; Pilar Martín, M.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Nieto, H.; Weber, U. et al.; Kolle, O.; Luo, Y.; Carvalhais, N.; Migliavacca, M.: Drivers of spatio-temporal variability of carbon dioxide and energy fluxes in a mediterranean savanna ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 262, S. 258 - 278 (2018)
Sippel, S.; Reichstein, M.; Ma, X.; Mahecha, M. D.; Lange, H.; Flach, M.; Frank, D.: Drought, heat, and the carbon cycle: a review. Current Climate Change Reports 4 (3), S. 266 - 286 (2018)
Bodesheim, P.; Jung, M.; Gans, F.; Mahecha, M. D.; Reichstein, M.: Upscaled diurnal cycles of land-atmosphere fluxes: a new global half-hourly data product. Earth System Science Data 10, S. 1327 - 1365 (2018)
Kraemer, G.; Reichstein, M.; Mahecha, M. D.: dimRed and coRanking—unifying dimensionality reduction in R. R Journal 10 (1), S. 342 - 358 (2018)
Weiner, T.; Gross, A.; Moreno, G.; Migliavacca, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Reichstein, M.; Hilman, B.; Carrara, A.; Angert, A.: Following the turnover of soil bioavailable phosphate in mediterranean savanna by oxygen stable isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (6), S. 1850 - 1862 (2018)
Urbazaev, M.; Thiel, C.; Cremer, F.; Dubayah, R.; Migliavacca, M.; Reichstein, M.; Schmullius, C.: Estimation of forest aboveground biomass and uncertainties by integration of field measurements, airborne LiDAR, and SAR and optical satellite data in Mexico. Carbon Balance and Management 13 (1), 5 (2018)
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