Publikationen von Jens Kattge
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Zeitschriftenartikel (192)
111 (38), S. 13697 - 13702 (2014)
Linking plant and ecosystem functional biogeography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 142.
114 (1), S. 1 - 16 (2014)
Plant functional types in Earth system models: past experiences and future directions for application of dynamic vegetation models in high-latitude ecosystems. Annals of Botany 143.
7 (2), S. 101 - 114 (2014)
Multi-scale phylogenetic structure in coastal dune plant communities across the globe. Journal of Plant Ecology 144.
23 (3), S. 311 - 322 (2014)
Diversity increases carbon storage and tree productivity in Spanish forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 145.
25 (1), S. 235 - 247 (2014)
Are trait-based species rankings consistent across datasets and spatial scales? Journal of Vegetation Science 146.
119 (9), S. 1755 - 1769 (2014)
Improving ecosystem productivity modeling through spatially explicit estimation of optimal light use efficiency. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 147.
25 (5), S. 1167 - 1180 (2014)
Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? Journal of Vegetation Science 148.
23, S. 1046 - 1057 (2014)
Global relationship of wood and leaf litter decomposability: the role of functional traits within and across plant organs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 149.
67, S. 48 - 59 (2014)
Plant trait analysis delivers an extensive list of potential green roof species for Mediterranean France. Ecological Engineering 150.
111 (38), S. 13690 - 13696 (2014)
The emergence and promise of functional biogeography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 151.
4 (16), S. 3218 - 3235 (2014)
The relationship of leaf photosynthetic traits – Vcmax and Jmax – to leaf nitrogen, leaf phosphorus, and specific leaf area: a meta-analysis and modeling study. Ecology and Evolution 152.
5, 4087 (2014)
A single evolutionary innovation drives the deep evolution of symbiotic N2-fixation in angiosperms. Nature Communications 153.
371 (1-2), S. 53 - 66 (2013)
Nutrient input from hemiparasitic litter favors plant species with a fast-growth strategy. Plant and Soil 154.
4 (2), S. 201 - 205 (2013)
Harmonizing, annotating and sharing data in biodiversityecosystem functioning research. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 155.
10 (1), S. 399 - 420 (2013)
Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using Bayesian parameter estimation. Biogeosciences 156.
16, S. 1045 - 1053 (2013)
Climate and litter quality differently modulate the effects of soil fauna on litter decomposition across biomes. Ecology Letters 157.
18, S. 2386 - 2395 (2013)
Estimating basal area of spruce and fir in post-fire residual stands in Central Siberia using Quickbird, feature selection, and Random Forests. Procedia Computer Science 158.
118 (4), S. 1414 - 1426 (2013)
The BETHY/JSBACH Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System: experiences and challenges. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 159.
10, S. 789 - 802 (2013)
Simultaneous assimilation of satellite and eddy covariance data for improving terrestrial water and carbon simulations at a semi-arid woodland site in Botswana. Biogeosciences 160.
94 (7), S. 1499 - 1509 (2013)
Predicting invertebrate herbivory from plant traits: Polycultures show strong nonadditive effects. Ecology