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Publikationen von Axel Kleidon

Zeitschriftenartikel (127)

Pavlick, R.; Drewry, D. T.; Bohn, K.; Reu, B.; Kleidon, A.: The Jena Diversity-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (JeDi-DGVM): a diverse approach to representing terrestrial biogeography and biogeochemistry based on plant functional trade-offs. Biogeosciences 10, S. 4137 - 4177 (2013)
Kleidon, A.; Zehe, E.; Ehret, U.; Scherer, U.: Thermodynamics, maximum power, and the dynamics of preferential river flow structures at the continental scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17, S. 225 - 251 (2013)
Zehe, E.; Blume, T.; Kleidon, A.; Ehret, U.; Scherer, U.; Westhoff, M.: A thermodynamic approach to link self-organization, preferential flow and rainfall–runoff behaviour. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (11), S. 4297 - 4322 (2013)
Gans, F.; Miller, L. M.; Kleidon, A.: The problem of the second wind turbine – a note on a common but flawed wind power estimation method. Earth System Dynamics 3, S. 79 - 86 (2012)
Kleidon, A.: How does the Earth system generate and maintain thermodynamic disequilibrium and what does it imply for the future of the planet? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 370 (1962), S. 1012 - 1040 (2012)
Kleidon, A.: Was leistet die Erde? Physik in unserer Zeit 43 (3), S. 136 - 144 (2012)
Arens, S.; Kleidon, A.: Eco-hydrological versus supply-limited weathering regimes and the potential for biotic enhancement of weathering at the global scale. Applied Geochemistry 26, S. S274 - S278 (2011)
Bohn, K.; Dyke, J. G.; Pavlick, R.; Reineking, B.; Reu, B.; Kleidon, A.: The relative importance of seed competition, resource competition and perturbations on community structure. Biogeosciences 8 (5), S. 1107 - 1120 (2011)
Brunsell, N. A.; Schymanski, S. J.; Kleidon, A.: Quantifying the thermodynamic entropy budget of the land surface: is this useful? Earth System Dynamics 2, S. 87 - 103 (2011)
Dyke, J. G.; Gans, F.; Kleidon, A.: Towards understanding how surface life can affect interior geological processes: a non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach. Earth System Dynamics 2, S. 139 - 160 (2011)
Miller, L. M.; Gans, F.; Kleidon, A.: Estimating maximum global land surface wind power extractability and associated climatic consequences. Earth System Dynamics 2, S. 1 - 12 (2011)
Miller, L. M.; Gans, F.; Kleidon, A.: Jet stream wind power as a renewable energy resource: little power, big impacts. Earth System Dynamics 2 (2), S. 201 - 212 (2011)
Porada, P.; Kleidon, A.; Schymanski, S. J.: Entropy production of soil hydrological processes and its maximisation. Earth System Dynamics 2, S. 179 - 190 (2011)
Reu, B.; Proulx, R.; Bohn, K.; Dyke, J. G.; Kleidon, A.; Pavlick, R.; Schmidtlein, S.: The role of climate and plant functional trade-offs in shaping global biome and biodiversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20 (4), S. 570 - 581 (2011)
Reu, B.; Zaehle, S.; Proulx, R.; Bohn, K.; Kleidon, A.; Pavlick, R.; Schmidtlein, S.: The role of plant functional trade-offs for biodiversity changes and biome shifts under scenarios of global climatic change. Biogeosciences 8 (5), S. 1255 - 1266 (2011)
Simoncini, E.; Russell, M. J.; Kleidon, A.: Modeling Free Energy Availability from Hadean Hydrothermal Systems to the First Metabolism. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 41 (6), S. 529 - 532 (2011)
Buendía, C.; Kleidon, A.; Porporato, A.: The role of tectonic uplift, climate and vegetation in the long-term terrestrial phosphorous cycle. Biogeosciences 7 (6), S. 2025 - 2038 (2010)
Dyke, J.; Kleidon, A.: The Maximum Entropy Production Principle: Its Theoretical Foundations and Applications to the Earth System. Entropy 12 (3), S. 613 - 630 (2010)
Kleidon, A.: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, maximum entropy production and Earth-system evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 368 (1910), S. 181 - 196 (2010)
Kleidon, A.: A basic introduction to the thermodynamics of the Earth system far from equilibrium and maximum entropy production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 365 (1545), S. 1303 - 1315 (2010)
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