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Publikationen von Axel Kleidon

Zeitschriftenartikel (127)

Kleidon, A.: Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth. Physics of Life Reviews 7 (4), S. 424 - 460 (2010)
Kleidon, A.: Life as the major driver of planetary geochemical disequilibrium: Reply to comments on "Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth". Physics of Life Reviews 7 (4), S. 473 - 476 (2010)
Kleidon, A.; Malhi, Y.; Cox, P. M.: Maximum entropy production in environmental and ecological systems Introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 365 (1545), S. 1297 - 1302 (2010)
Schymanski, S. J.; Kleidon, A.; Stieglitz, M.; Narula, J.: Maximum entropy production allows a simple representation of heterogeneity in semiarid ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 365 (1545), S. 1449 - 1455 (2010)
Simoncini, E.; Kleidon, A.; Gallori, E.: The emergence of life: Thermodynamics of chemical free energy generation in off-axis hydrothermal vent systems and its consequences for compartmentalization and life's origins. Journal of Cosmology 10, S. 3325 - 3344 (2010)
Xu, X. K.; Kleidon, A.; Miller, L.; Wang, S. Q.; Wang, L. Q.; Dong, G. C.: Late Quaternary glaciation in the Tianshan and implications for palaeoclimatic change: a review. Boreas 39 (2), S. 215 - 232 (2010)
Kleidon, A.: Maximum entropy production and general trends in biospheric evolution. Paleontological Journal 43 (8), S. 980 - 985 (2009)
Kleidon, A.: Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and maximum entropy production in the Earth system. Naturwissenschaften 96 (6), S. 653 - 677 (2009)
Kleidon, A.: Climatic constraints on maximum levels of human metabolic activity and their relation to human evolution and global change. Climatic Change 95 (3-4), S. 405 - 431 (2009)
Kleidon, A.; Adams, J.; Pavlick, R.; Reu, B.: Simulated geographic variations of plant species richness, evenness and abundance using climatic constraints on plant functional diversity. Environmental Research Letters 4 (1), S. 014007 (2009)
Arens, S.; Kleidon, A.: Global sensitivity of weathering rates to atmospheric CO2 under the assumption of saturated river discharge. Mineralogical Magazine 72 (1), S. 301 - 304 (2008)
Kleidon, A.: Entropy production by evapotranspiration and its geographic variation. Soil and Water Research 3 (S1), S. S89 - S94 (2008)
Kleidon, A.; Schymanski, S.: Thermodynamics and optimality of the water budget on land: A review. Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), S. L20404 (2008)
Kleidon, A.: Thermodynamics and environmental constraints make the biosphere predictable - a response to Volk. Climatic Change 85 (3-4), S. 259 - 266 (2007)
Kleidon, A.: Journal club. Nature 445 (7128), S. 571 (2007)
Kleidon, A.: Optimized stomatal conductance and the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide. Geophysical Research Letters 34 (14), S. L14709 (2007)
Kleidon, A.; Fraedrich, K.; Low, C.: Multiple steady-states in the terrestrial atmosphere-biosphere system: a result of a discrete vegetation classification? Biogeosciences 4 (5), S. 707 - 714 (2007)
Kleidon, A.: Quantifying the biologically possible range of steady-state soil and surface climates with climate model simulations. Biologia (Bratislava) 61 (19), S. S234 - S239 (2006)
Kleidon, A.: The climate sensitivity to human appropriation of vegetation productivity and its thermodynamic characterization. Global and Planetary Change 54 (1-2), S. 109 - 127 (2006)
Kleidon, A.: How meaningful is surface temperature in characterizing the climate system response to human-driven land cover change? iLeaps Newsletter 2, S. 16 - 17 (2006)
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