Publikationen von Axel Kleidon
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (127)
7 (4), S. 424 - 460 (2010)
Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth. Physics of Life Reviews
7 (4), S. 473 - 476 (2010)
Life as the major driver of planetary geochemical disequilibrium: Reply to comments on "Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth". Physics of Life Reviews
365 (1545), S. 1297 - 1302 (2010)
Maximum entropy production in environmental and ecological systems Introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences
365 (1545), S. 1449 - 1455 (2010)
Maximum entropy production allows a simple representation of heterogeneity in semiarid ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences
10, S. 3325 - 3344 (2010)
The emergence of life: Thermodynamics of chemical free energy generation in off-axis hydrothermal vent systems and its consequences for compartmentalization and life's origins. Journal of Cosmology
39 (2), S. 215 - 232 (2010)
Late Quaternary glaciation in the Tianshan and implications for palaeoclimatic change: a review. Boreas 2009
43 (8), S. 980 - 985 (2009)
Maximum entropy production and general trends in biospheric evolution. Paleontological Journal
96 (6), S. 653 - 677 (2009)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and maximum entropy production in the Earth system. Naturwissenschaften
95 (3-4), S. 405 - 431 (2009)
Climatic constraints on maximum levels of human metabolic activity and their relation to human evolution and global change. Climatic Change
4 (1), S. 014007 (2009)
Simulated geographic variations of plant species richness, evenness and abundance using climatic constraints on plant functional diversity. Environmental Research Letters 2008
72 (1), S. 301 - 304 (2008)
Global sensitivity of weathering rates to atmospheric CO2 under the assumption of saturated river discharge. Mineralogical Magazine
3 (S1), S. S89 - S94 (2008)
Entropy production by evapotranspiration and its geographic variation. Soil and Water Research
35 (20), S. L20404 (2008)
Thermodynamics and optimality of the water budget on land: A review. Geophysical Research Letters 2007
85 (3-4), S. 259 - 266 (2007)
Thermodynamics and environmental constraints make the biosphere predictable - a response to Volk. Climatic Change
445 (7128), S. 571 (2007)
Journal club. Nature
34 (14), S. L14709 (2007)
Optimized stomatal conductance and the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide. Geophysical Research Letters
4 (5), S. 707 - 714 (2007)
Multiple steady-states in the terrestrial atmosphere-biosphere system: a result of a discrete vegetation classification? Biogeosciences 2006
61 (19), S. S234 - S239 (2006)
Quantifying the biologically possible range of steady-state soil and surface climates with climate model simulations. Biologia (Bratislava)
54 (1-2), S. 109 - 127 (2006)
The climate sensitivity to human appropriation of vegetation productivity and its thermodynamic characterization. Global and Planetary Change
2, S. 16 - 17 (2006)
How meaningful is surface temperature in characterizing the climate system response to human-driven land cover change? iLeaps Newsletter