Publications of D. S. Schimel

Journal Article (28)

Journal Article
Asner, G. P.; Braswell, B. H.; Schimel, D. S.; Wessman, C. A.: Ecological research needs from multiangle remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment 63 (2), pp. 155 - 165 (1998)
Journal Article
Asner, G. P.; Wessman, C. A.; Schimel, D. S.: Heterogeneity of savanna canopy structure and function from imaging spectrometry and inverse modeling. Ecological Applications 8 (4), pp. 1022 - 1036 (1998)
Journal Article
Asner, G. P.; Wessman, C. A.; Schimel, D. S.; Archer, S.: Variability in leaf and litter optical properties: implications for BRDF model inversions using AVHRR, MODIS, and MISR. Remote Sensing of Environment 63 (3), pp. 243 - 257 (1998)
Journal Article
Pan, Y.; Melillo, J. M.; Mcguire, A. D.; Kicklighter, D. W.; Pitelka, L. F.; Hibbard, K.; Pierce, L. L.; Running, S. W.; Ojima, D. S.; Parton, W. J. et al.: Modeled responses of terrestrial ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2: a comparison of simulations by the biogeochemistry models of the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP). Oecologia 114 (3), pp. 389 - 404 (1998)
Journal Article
Parton, W. J.; Hartman, M.; Ojima, D.; Schimel, D.: DAYCENT and its land surface submodel: description and testing. Global and Planetary Change 19 (1-4), pp. 35 - 48 (1998)
Journal Article
Schimel, D. S.: The carbon equation. Nature 393 (6682), pp. 208 - 209 (1998)
Journal Article
Braswell, B. H.; Schimel, D. S.; Linder, E.; Moore Iii, B.: The response of global terrestrial ecosystems to interannual temperature variability. Science 278 (5339), pp. 870 - 872 (1997)
Journal Article
Schimel, D. S.; Emanuel, W.; Rizzo, B.; Smith, T.; Woodward, F. I.; Fisher, H.; Kittel, T. G. F.; Mckeown, R.; Painter, T.; Rosenbloom, N. et al.: Continental scale variability in ecosystem processes: Models, data, and the role of disturbance. Ecological Monographs 67 (2), pp. 251 - 271 (1997)

Book (1)

Schulze, E.-D.; Heimann, M.; Harrison, S. P.; Holland, E. A.; Lloyd, J.; Prentice, I. C.; Schimel, D.: Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system. Academic Press, San Diego (2001), 350 pp.

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Schimel, D.; Churkina, G.; Braswell, B.: Remembrance of weather past: ecosystem response to climate variability. In: A history of atmospheric CO2 and its effects on plants, animals, and ecosystems, Vol. 177, pp. 350 - 368 (Eds. Ehleringer, J. E.; Cerling, T. E.; Dearing, M. D.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2005)
Book Chapter
Schimel, D.; Schulze, E. D.: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 2002 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 421 - 428. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2002)
Book Chapter
Baede, A. P. M.; Ahlonsou, E.; Ding, Y.; Schimel, D. S.: The climate system: an overview. In: Climate Change 2001: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, pp. 87 - 98 (Eds. Maccarthy, J. J.; Canziani, O. F.; Leary, N. A.). Cambridge University Press, New York (2001)
Book Chapter
Schimel, D.: Earth system models and the global biogeochemical cycles. In: Geosphere-biospehre interactions and climate, pp. 113 - 118 (Eds. Bengtsson, L.; Hammer, C. U.). Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Cambridge (2001)
Book Chapter
Schulze, E.-D.; Schimel, D.: Uncertainties of global biochemical predictions. In: Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system, pp. 3 - 14 (Eds. Schulze, E.-D.; Heimann, M.; Harrison, S. P.; Holland, E.; Lloyd, J. et al.). Academic press, San Diego (2001)
Book Chapter
Wallace, D. W. R.; Prentice, I. C.; Schimel, D.: The global carbon cycle. In: Contributions to global change research, pp. 22 - 29 (Ed. Heinen, D.). German National Committee on Global Change Research, Bonn (2001)
Book Chapter
Schimel, D. S.; Panikov, N. S.: Simulation models of terrestrial trace gas fluxes at soil microsites to global scales. In: Approaches to scaling of trace gas fluxes in ecosystems, Vol. 24, pp. 185 - 202 (Ed. Bouwman, A.-F.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1999)
Book Chapter
Wilby, R. L.; Schimel, D. S.: Scales of interaction in eco-hydrological relations. In: Eco-hydrology: plants and water in terrestrial and aquatic environments, pp. 39 - 77 (Eds. Baird, A. J.; Wilby, R. L.). Routledge, London (1999)