Publikationen von Julia E. M. S. Nabel
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (72)
8 (11), S. 3563 - 3577 (2015)
Upscaling with the dynamic two-layer classification concept (D2C): TreeMig-2L, an efficient implementation of the forest-landscape model TreeMig. Geoscientific Model Development 62.
7 (2), S. 349 - 396 (2015)
Global Carbon Budget 2015. Earth System Science Data 63.
20, S. 315 - 324 (2014)
Extrapolation methods for climate time series revisited - Spatial correlations in climatic fluctuations influence simulated tree species abundance and migration. Ecological Complexity 64.
37 (12), S. 1184 - 1197 (2014)
Using dynamic vegetation models to simulate plant range shifts. Ecography 65.
37 (12), S. 1198 - 1209 (2014)
The influence of interspecific interactions on species range expansion rates. Ecography 66.
53, S. 207 - 212 (2014)
Values in socio-environmental modelling: Persuasion for action or excuse for inaction. Environmental Modelling and Software 67.
17, S. 56 - 66 (2014)
Explicit avalanche-forest feedback simulations improve the performance of a coupled avalanche-forest model. Ecological Complexity 68.
257, S. 88 - 100 (2013)
Interannual climate variability and population density thresholds can have a substantial impact on simulated tree species' migration. Ecological Modelling 69.
26 (12), S. 1419 - 1433 (2011)
Decision support for international climate policy - The PRIMAP emission module. Environmental Modelling and Software 70.
5 (3), 034013 (2010)
Analysis of the Copenhagen Accord pledges and its global climatic impacts: a snapshot of dissonant ambitions. Environmental Research Letters 71.
464 (7292), S. 1126 - 1128 (2010)
Copenhagen Accord pledges are paltry. Nature 72.
1, S. 81 - 83 (2009)
Halfway to Copenhagen, no way to 2 °C. Nature Climate Change Buchkapitel (1)
Grassl, H.; Kasang, D.). Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg (2021)
Treibhausgaseffekte von Landnutzung. In: Warnsignal Klima: Boden und Landnutzung, S. 190 - 196 (Hg. Lozán, J. L.; Breckle, S.-W.; Konferenzbeitrag (2)
Upscaling of spatially explicit and linked time and space discrete models studying vegetation dynamics under climate change. In: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, S. 852 - 860. EnviroInfo 2013 Hamburg, Hamburg, 2013. Shaker, Aachen (2013)
Impact of species parameter uncertainty in simulations of tree species migration with a spatially linked dynamic model. In: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting, S. 909 - 916 (Hg. Seppelt, R.; Voinov, A. A.; Lange, S.). International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, 2012. Leipzig (2012)
Bericht (1)
240). MPI für Meteorologie, Hamburg (2021), 271 S.
JSBACH 3 - The land component of the MPI Earth System Model: documentation of version 3.2 (Reports on Earth System Science,