Publications of Gerd Gleixner

Journal Article (235)

Journal Article
Witt, R.; Günther, F.; Lauterbach, S.; Kasper, T.; Mäusbacher, R.; Yao, T.; Gleixner, G.: Biogeochemical evidence for freshwater periods during the Last Glacial Maximum recorded in lake sediments from Nam Co, south-central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Paleolimnology 55 (1), pp. 67 - 82 (2016)
Journal Article
Fischer, S.; Hanf, S.; Frosch, T.; Gleixner, G.; Popp, J.; Trumbore, S. E.; Hartmann, H.: Pinus sylvestris switches respiration substrates under shading but not during drought. New Phytologist 207 (3), pp. 542 - 550 (2015)
Journal Article
Malik, A.; Dannert, H.; Griffiths, R. I.; Thomson, B. C.; Gleixner, G.: Rhizosphere bacterial carbon turnover is higher in nucleic acids than membrane lipids: implications for understanding soil carbon cycling. Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 268 (2015)
Journal Article
Thuille, A.; Laufer, J.; Hoehl, C.; Gleixner, G.: Carbon quality affects the nitrogen partitioning between plants and soil microorganisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81, pp. 266 - 274 (2015)
Journal Article
Malghani, S.; Jüschke, E.; Baumert, J.; Thuille, A.; Antonietti, M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Gleixner, G.: Carbon sequestration potential of hydrothermal carbonization char (hydrochar) in two contrasting soils; results of a 1-year field study. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51 (1), pp. 123 - 134 (2015)
Journal Article
Fischer, C.; Tischer, J.; Roscher, C.; Eisenhauer, N.; Ravenek, J.; Gleixner, G.; Attinger, S.; Jensen, B.; de Kroon, H.; Mommer, L. et al.; Scheu, S.; Hildebrandt, A.: Plant species diversity affects infiltration capacity in an experimental grassland through changes in soil properties. Plant and Soil 397 (1), pp. 1 - 16 (2015)
Journal Article
Günther, F.; Witt, R.; Schouten, S.; Mäusbacher, R.; Daut, G.; Zhue, L.; Xue, B.; Yaoe, T.; Gleixner, G.: Quaternary ecological responses and impacts of the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon at Nam Co, Southern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews 112, pp. 66 - 77 (2015)
Journal Article
Hacker, N.; Ebeling, A.; Gessler, A.; Gleixner, G.; Macé, O. G.; de Kroon, H.; Lange, M.; Mommer, L.; Eisenhauer, N.; Ravenek, J. et al.; Scheu, S.; Weigelt, A.; Wagg, C.; Oelmann, W. W. a.: Plant diversity shapes microbe-rhizosphere effects on P mobilisation from organic matter in soil. Ecology Letters 18 (12), pp. 1356 - 1365 (2015)
Journal Article
Hu, S.; Goddu, S. R.; Herb, C.; Appel, E.; Gleixner, G.; Wang, S.; Yang, X.; Zhu, X.: Climate variability and its magnetic response recorded in a lacustrine sequence in Heqing basin at the SE Tibetan Plateau since 900 ka. Geophysical journal international 201 (1), pp. 444 - 458 (2015)
Journal Article
Lange, M.; Eisenhauer, N.; Sierra, C.; Bessler, H.; Engels, C.; Griffiths, R. I.; Mellado-Vázquez, P. G.; Malik, A.; Roy, J.; Scheu, S. et al.; Steinbeiss, S.; Thomson, B. C.; Trumbore, S. E.; Gleixner, G.: Plant diversity increases soil microbial activity and soil carbon storage. Nature Communications 6, 6707 (2015)
Journal Article
Ray, R.; Rixen, T.; Baum, A.; Malik, A.; Gleixner, G.; Jana, T. K.: Distribution, sources and biogeochemistry of organic matter in a mangrove dominated estuarine system (Indian Sundarbans) during the pre-monsoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 167, pp. 404 - 413 (2015)
Journal Article
Roth, V.-N.; Dittmar, T.; Gaupp, R.; Gleixner, G.: The molecular composition of dissolved organic matter in forest soils as a function of pH and temperature. PLoS One 10 (3), e0119188 (2015)
Journal Article
Scheibe, A.; Steffens, C.; Seven, J.; Jacob, A.; Hertel, D.; Leuschner, C.; Gleixner, G.: Effects of tree identity dominate over tree diversity on the soil microbial community structure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81, pp. 219 - 227 (2015)
Journal Article
Schwab, V. F.; Garcin, Y.; Sachse, D.; Todou, G.; Sene, O.; Onana, J.-M.; Achoundong, G.; Gleixner, G.: Effect of aridity on delta 13C and delta D values of C3 plant- and C4 graminoid-derived leaf wax lipids from soils along an environmental gradient in Cameroon (Western Central Africa). Organic Geochemistry 78, pp. 99 - 109 (2015)
Journal Article
Schwab, V. F.; Garcin, Y.; Sachse, D.; Todou, G.; Séné, O.; Onana, J.-M.; Achoundong, G.; Gleixner, G.: Dinosterol deltaD values in stratified tropical lakes (Cameroon) are affected by eutrophication. Organic Geochemistry 88, pp. 35 - 49 (2015)
Journal Article
Wang, M.; Xu, B.; Kaspari, S. D.; Gleixner, G.; Schwab, V. F.; Zhao, H.; Wang, H.; Yao, P.: Century-long record of black carbon in an ice core from the Eastern Pamirs: Estimated contributions from biomass burning. Atmospheric Environment 115, pp. 79 - 88 (2015)
Journal Article
Werner, R. A.; Rossmann, A.; Gleixner, G.; Lehn, C.; Metges, C. C.; Schnyder, H.: Special Issue dedicated to Professor Hanns-Ludwig Schmidt on the occasion of his 85th birthday. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 51 (1), pp. 1 - 6 (2015)
Journal Article
Zech, M.; Zech, R.; Rozanski, K.; Gleixner, G.; Zech, W.: Do n-alkane biomarkers in soils/sediments reflect the delta 2H isotopic composition of precipitation? A case study from Mt. Kilimanjaro and implications for paleoaltimetry and paleoclimate research. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 51 (4), pp. 508 - 524 (2015)
Journal Article
Lauterbach, S.; Witt, R.; Plessen, B.; Dulski, P.; Prasad, S.; Mingram, J.; Gleixner, G.; Hettler-Riedel, S.; Stebich, M.; Schnetger, B. et al.; Schwalb, A.; Schwarz, A.: Climatic imprint of the mid-latitude Westerlies in the Central Tian Shan of Kyrgyzstan and teleconnections to North Atlantic climate variability during the last 6000 years. The Holocene 24 (8), pp. 970 - 984 (2014)
Journal Article
Lange, M.; Habekost, M.; Eisenhauer, N.; Roscher, C.; Bessler, H.; Engels, C.; Oelmann, Y.; Scheu, S.; Wilcke, W.; Schulze, E. D. et al.; Gleixner, G.: Biotic and abiotic properties mediating plant diversity effects on soil microbial communities in an experimental grassland. PLoS One 9 (5), e96182 (2014)
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