Publikationen von Christoph Gerbig

Zeitschriftenartikel (156)

Park, S.-B.; Knohl, A.; Lucas-Moffat, A.; Migliavacca, M.; Gerbig, C.; Vesala, T.; Peltola, O.; Mammarella, I.; Kolle, O.; Lavrič, J. V. et al.; Prokushkin, A.; Heimann, M.: Strong radiative effect induced by clouds and smoke on forest net ecosystem productivity in central Siberia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 250-251, S. 376 - 387 (2018)
Filges, A.; Gerbig, C.; Rella, C. W.; Hoffnagle, J.; Smit, H.; Krämer, M.; Spelten, N.; Rolf, C.; Bozóki, Z.; Buchholz, B. et al.; Ebert, V.: Evaluation of the IAGOS-Core GHG package H2O measurements during the DENCHAR airborne inter-comparison campaign in 2011. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11 (9), S. 5279 - 5297 (2018)
Kountouris, P.; Gerbig, C.; Rödenbeck, C.; Karstens, U.; Koch, T. F.; Heimann, M.: Technical Note: Atmospheric CO2 inversions on the mesoscale using data-driven prior uncertainties: methodology and system evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (4), S. 3027 - 3045 (2018)
Kountouris, P.; Gerbig, C.; Rödenbeck, C.; Karstens, U.; Koch, T. F.; Heimann, M.: Atmospheric CO2 inversions on the mesoscale using data-driven prior uncertainties: Quantification of the European terrestrial CO2 fluxes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (4), S. 3047 - 3064 (2018)
Verma, S.; Marshall, J.; Parrington, M.; Agusti-Panareda, A.; Massart, S.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Wilson, C.; Gerbig, C.: Extending methane profiles from aircraft into the stratosphere for satellite total column validation using the ECMWF C-IFS and TOMCAT/SLIMCAT 3-D model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (11), S. 6663 - 6678 (2017)
Verma, S.; Marshall, J.; Gerbig, C.; Rödenbeck, C.; Totsche, K. U.: The constraint of CO2 measurements made onboard passenger aircraft on surface–atmosphere fluxes: the impact of transport model errors in vertical mixing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (9), S. 5665 - 5675 (2017)
Amediek, A.; Ehret, G.; Fix, A.; Wirth, M.; Büdenbender, C.; Quatrevalet, M.; Kiemle, C.; Gerbig, C.: CHARM-F—a new airborne integrated-path differential-absorption lidar for carbon dioxide and methane observations: measurement performance and quantification of strong point source emissions. Applied Optics 56 (18), S. 5182 - 5197 (2017)
Tsuruta, A.; Aalto, T.; Backman, L.; Hakkarainen, J.; van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T.; Krol, M. C.; Spahni, R.; Houweling, S.; Laine, M.; Dlugokencky, E. et al.; Gomez-Pelaez, A. J.; van der Schoot, M.; Langenfelds, R.; Ellul, R.; Arduini, J.; Apadula, F.; Gerbig, C.; Feist, D. G.; Kivi, R.; Yoshida, Y.; Peters, W.: Global methane emission estimates for 2000–2012 from CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development 10 (3), S. 1261 - 1289 (2017)
Pillai, D.; Buchwitz, M.; Gerbig, C.; Koch, T.; Reuter, M.; Bovensmann, H.; Marshall, J.; Burrows, J. P.: Tracking city CO2 emissions from space using a high-resolution inverse modeling approach: a case study for Berlin, Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (15), S. 9591 - 9610 (2016)
Feng, S.; Lauvaux, T.; Newman, S.; Rao, P.; Ahmadov, R.; Deng, A.; Díaz-Isaac, L. I.; Duren, R. M.; Fischer, M. L.; Gerbig, C. et al.; Gurney, K. R.; Huang, J.; Jeong, S.; Li, Z.; Miller, C. E.; O'Keeffe, D.; Patarasuk, R.; Sander, S. P.; Song, Y.; Wong, K. W.; Yung, Y. L.: Los Angeles megacity: a high-resolution land–atmosphere modelling system for urban CO2 emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (14), S. 9019 - 9045 (2016)
Nęcki, J. M.; Gałkowski, M.; Chmura, Ł.; Gerbig, C.; Zimnoch, M.; Zięba, D.; Bartyzel, J.; Wołkowicz, W.; Różański, K.: Regional representativeness of CH4 and N2O mixing ratio measurements at high-altitude mountain station Kasprowy Wierch, Southern Poland. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16 (3), S. 568 - 580 (2016)
Bela, M. M.; Longo, K. M.; Freitas, S. R.; Moreira, D. S.; Beck, V.; Wofsy, S. C.; Gerbig, C.; Wiedemann, K.; Andreae, M. O.; Artaxo, P.: Ozone production and transport over the Amazon Basin during the dry-to-wet and wet-to-dry transition seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, S. 757 - 782 (2015)
Biavati, G.; Feist, D. G.; Gerbig, C.; Kretschmer, R.: Error estimation for localized signal properties: application to atmospheric mixing height retrievals. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8, S. 4215 - 4230 (2015)
Boschetti, F.; Chen, H.; Thouret, V.; Nedelec, P.; Janssens-Maenhout, G.; Gerbig, C.: On the representation of IAGOS/MOZAIC vertical profiles in chemical transport models: contribution of different error sources in the example of carbon monoxide. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 67, 28292 (2015)
Filges, A.; Gerbig, C.; Chen, H.; Franke, H.; Klaus, C.; Jordan, A.: The IAGOS-core greenhouse gas package: a measurement system for continuous airborne observations of CO2, CH4, H2O and CO. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 67 (1), 27989 (2015)
Kadygrov, N.; Broquet, G.; Chevallier, F.; Rivier, L.; Gerbig, C.; Ciais, P.: On the potential of ICOS atmospheric CO2 measurement network for estimating the biogenic CO2 budget of Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (22), S. 12765 - 12787 (2015)
Kountouris, P.; Gerbig, C.; Totsche, K.-U.; Dolman, A.-J.; Meesters, A.-G.-C.-A.; Broquet, G.; Maignan, F.; Gioli, B.; Montagnani, L.; Helfter, C.: An objective prior error quantification for regional atmospheric inverse applications. Biogeosciences 12 (24), S. 7403 - 7421 (2015)
Petzold, A.; Thouret, V.; Gerbig, C.; Zahn, A.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A.M.; Gallagher, M.; Hermann, M.; Pontaud, M.; Ziereis, H.; Boulanger, D. et al.; Marshall, J.; Nédélec, P.; Smit, H. G.J.; Friess, U.; Flaud, J.-M.; Wahner, A.; Cammas, J.-P.; Volz-Thomas, A.: Global-scale atmosphere monitoring by in-service aircraft - current achievements and future prospects of the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 67, 28452 (2015)
Proschek, V.; Kirchengast, G.; Schweitzer, S.; Brooke, J. S. A.; Bernath, P. F.; Thomas, C. B.; Wang, J.-G.; Tereszchuk, K. A.; Abad, G. G.; Hargreaves, R. J. et al.; Beale, C. A.; Harrison, J. J.; Martin, P. A.; Kasyutich, V. L.; Gerbig, C.; Kolle, O.; Loescher, A.: Retrieval and validation of carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor for the Canary Islands IR-laser occultation experiment. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8, S. 3315 - 3336 (2015)
Tátrai, D.; Bozóki, Z.; Smit, H.; Rolf, C.; Spelten, N.; Krämer, M.; Filges, A.; Gerbig, C.; Gulyás, G.; Szabó, G.: Dual-channel photoacoustic hygrometer for airborne measurements: background, calibration, laboratory and in-flight intercomparison tests. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8 (1), S. 33 - 42 (2015)
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