Publikationen von Martin Jung

Zeitschriftenartikel (119)

Michel, D.; Jiménez, C.; Miralles, D. G.; Jung, M.; Hirschi, M.; Ershadi, A.; Martens, B.; McCabe, M. F.; Fisher, J. B.; Mu, Q. et al.: TheWACMOS-ET project – Part 1: Tower-scale evaluation of four remote-sensing-based evapotranspiration algorithms. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (2), S. 803 - 822 (2016)
Miralles, D. G.; Jimenez, C.; Jung, M.; Michel, D.; Ershadi, A.; McCabe, M. F.; Hirschi, M.; Martens, B.; Dolman, A. J.; Fisher, J. B. et al.: The WACMOS-ET project - Part 2: Evaluation of global terrestrial evaporation data sets. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (2), S. 823 - 842 (2016)
Tautenhahn, S.; Lichstein, J. W.; Jung, M.; Kattge, J.; Bohlman, S. A.; Heilmeier, H.; Prokushkin, A.; Kahl, A.; Wirth, C.: Dispersal limitation drives successional pathways in Central Siberian forests under current and intensified fire regimes. Global Change Biology 22 (6), S. 2178 - 2197 (2016)
Tramontana, G.; Jung, M.; Schwalm, C. R.; Ichii, K.; Camps-Valls, G.; Ráduly, B.; Reichstein, M.; Arain, M. A.; Cescatti, A.; Kiely, G. et al.: Predicting carbon dioxide and energy fluxes across global FLUXNET sites with regression algorithms. Biogeosciences 13 (14), S. 4291 - 4313 (2016)
Ahlström, A.; Raupach, M. R.; Schurgers, G.; Smith, B.; Arneth, A.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Canadell, J. G.; Friedlingstein, P.; Jain, A. K. et al.: The dominant role of semi-arid ecosystems in the trend and variability of the land CO2 sink. Science 348 (6237), S. 895 - 899 (2015)
Koster, R. D.; Salvucci, G. D.; Rigden, A. J.; Jung, M.; Collatz, G. J.; Schubert, S. D.: The pattern across the continental United States of evapotranspiration variability associated with water availability. Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 35 (2015)
Papale, D.; Black, T. A.; Carvalhais, N.; Cescatti, A.; Chen, J.; Jung, M.; Kiely, G.; Lasslop, G.; Mahecha, M. D.; Margolis, H. et al.: Effect of spatial sampling from European flux towers for estimating carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120 (10), S. 1941 - 1957 (2015)
Carvalhais, N.; Forkel, M.; Khomik, M.; Bellarby, J.; Jung, M.; Migliavacca, M.; Mu, M.; Saatchi, S.; Santoro, M.; Thurner, M. et al.: Global covariation of carbon turnover times with climate in terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 514, S. 213 - 217 (2014)
Joiner, J.; Yoshida, Y.; Vasilkov, A.; Schaefer, K.; Jung, M.; Guanter, L.; Zhang, Y.; Garrity, S.; Middleton, E. M.; Huemmrich, K. F. et al.: The seasonal cycle of satellite chlorophyll fluorescence observations and its relationship to vegetation phenology and ecosystem atmosphere carbon exchange. Remote Sensing of Environment 152, S. 375 - 391 (2014)
Buermann, W.; Parida, B.; Jung, M.; MacDonald, G. M.; Tucker, C. J.; Reichstein, M.: Recent shift in Eurasian boreal forest greening response may be associated with warmer and drier summers. Geophysical Research Letters 41 (6), S. 1995 - 2002 (2014)
Guanter, L.; Zhang, Y.; Jung, M.; Joiner, J.; Voigt, M.; Berry, J. A.; Frankenberg, C.; Huete, A. R.; Zarco-Tejada, P.; Lee, J.-E. et al.: Global and time-resolved monitoring of crop photosynthesis with chlorophyll fluorescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (14), S. E1327 - E1333 (2014)
Zscheischler, J.; Mahecha, M. D.; von Buttlar, J.; Harmeling, S.; Jung, M.; Rammig, A.; Randerson, T. J.; Schölkopf, B.; Seneviratne, I. S.; Tomelleri, E. et al.: A few extreme events dominate global interannual variability in gross primary production. Environmental Research Letters 9 (3), 035001 (2014)
Valentini, R.; Arneth, A.; Bombelli, A.; Castaldi, S.; Cazzolla Gatti, R.; Chevallier, F.; Ciais, P.; Grieco, E.; Hartmann, J.; Henry, M. et al.: A full greenhouse gases budget of Africa: synthesis, uncertainties, and vulnerabilities. Biogeosciences 11, S. 381 - 407 (2014)
Guanter, L.; Zhang, Y.; Jung, M.; Joiner, J.; Voigt, M.; Berry, J. A.; Frankenberg, C.; Huete, A. R.; Zarco-Tejada, P.; Lee, J.-E. et al.: Reply to Magnani et al.: Linking large-scale chlorophyll fluorescence observations with cropland gross primary production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (25), E2511 (2014)
Traore, A. K.; Ciais, P.; Vuichard, N.; MacBean, N.; Dardel, C.; Poulter, B.; Piao, S.; Fisher, J. B.; Viovy, N.; Jung, M. et al.: 1982–2010 Trends of light use efficiency and inherent water use efficiency in African vegetation: sensitivity to climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Remote Sensing 6, S. 8923 - 8944 (2014)
Traore, A. K.; Ciais, P.; Vuichard, N.; Poulter, B.; Viovy, N.; Guimberteau, M.; Jung, M.; Myneni, R.; Fisher, J. B.: Evaluation of the ORCHIDEE ecosystem model over Africa against 25 years of satellite-based water and carbon measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119 (8), S. 1554 - 1575 (2014)
Yuan, W.; Cai, W.; Xia, J.; Chen, J.; Liu, S.; Dong, W.; Merbold, L.; Law, B.; Arain, A.; Beringer, J. et al.: Global comparison of light use efficiency models for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production based on the La Thuile database. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 192-193, S. 108 - 120 (2014)
Mueller, B.; Hirschi, M.; Jimenez, C.; Ciais, P.; Dirmeyer, P. A.; Dolman, A. J.; Fisher, J. B.; Jung, M.; Ludwig, F.; Maignan, F. et al.: Benchmark products for land evapotranspiration: LandFlux-EVAL multi-data set synthesis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17, S. 3707 - 3720 (2013)
Anav, A.; Friedlingstein, P.; Kidston, M.; Bopp, L.; Ciais, P.; Cox, P.; Jones, C.; Jung, M.; Myneni, R.; Zhu, Z.: Evaluating the land and ocean components of the global carbon cycle in the CMIP5 earth system models. Journal of Climate 26 (18), S. 6801 - 6843 (2013)
Stegehuis, A. I.; Vautard, R.; Ciais, P.; Teuling, A. J.; Jung, M.; Yiou, P.: Summer temperatures in Europe and land heat fluxes in observation-based data and regional climate model simulations. Climate Dynamics 41, S. 455 - 477 (2013)