Publikationen von Christian Wirth

Zeitschriftenartikel (147)

Marra, D. M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Higuchi, N.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Negrón‐Juárez, R. I.; Holzwarth, F.; Rifai, S. W.; Santos, J. d.; Lima, A. J. N.; Kinupp, V. F. et al.; Chambers, J. Q.; Wirth, C.: Windthrows control biomass patterns and functional composition of Amazon forests. Global Change Biology 24 (12), S. 5867 - 5881 (2018)
Rüger, N.; Comita, L. S.; Condit, R.; Purves, D.; Rosenbaum, B.; Visser, M. D.; Wright, S. J.; Wirth, C.: Beyond the fast-slow continuum: demographic dimensions structuring a tropical tree community. Ecology Letters 21, S. 1075 - 1084 (2018)
Kupers, S. J.; Engelbrecht, B. M. J.; Hernández, A.; Wright, S. J.; Wirth, C.; Rüger, N.: Growth responses to soil water potential indirectly shape local species distributions of tropical forest seedlings. Journal of Ecology 107 (2), S. 860 - 874 (2018)
Ledo, A.; Paul, K. I.; Burslem, D. F. R. P.; Ewel, J. J.; Barton, C.; Battaglia, M.; Brooksbank, K.; Carter, J.; Eid, T. H.; England, J. R. et al.; Fitzgerald, A.; Jonson, J.; Mencuccini, M.; Montagu, K. D.; Montero, G.; Mugasha, W. A.; Pinkard, E.; Roxburgh, S.; Ryan, C. M.; Ruiz-Peinado, R.; Sochacki, S.; Specht, A.; Wildy, D.; Wirth, C.; Zerihun, A.; Chave, J.: Tree size and climatic water deficit control root to shoot ratio in individual trees globally. New Phytologist 217 (1), S. 8 - 11 (2018)
van der Plas, F.; Ratcliffe, S.; Ruiz-Benito, P.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Verheyen, K.; Wirth, C.; Zavala, M.; Ampoorter, E.; Baeten, L.; Barbaro, L. et al.; Crespo, C.; Bauhus, J.; Benavides, R.; Benneter, A.; Bonal, D.; Bouriaud, O.; Bruelheide, H.; Bussotti, F.; Carnol, M.; Castagneyrol, B.; Charbonnier, Y.; Cornelissen, H.; Dahlgren, J.; Checko, E.; Coppi, A.; Dawud, S.; Deconchat, M.; DeSmedt, P.; De Wandeler, H.; Domisch, T.; Finer, L.; Fotelli, M.; Gessler, A.; Granier, A.; Grossiord, C.; Guyot, V.; Haase, J.; Hattenschwiler, S.; Jactel, H.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Joly, F.-X.; Jucker, T.; Kambach, S.; Kändler, G.; Kattge, J.; Koricheva, J.; Kunstler, G.; Lehtonen, A.; Liebergesell, M.; Manning, P.; Milligan, H.; Müller, S.; Muys, B.; Nguyen, D.; Nock, C.; Ohse, B.; Paquette, A.; Penuelas, J.; Pollastrini, M.; Radoglou, K.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K.; Roger, F.; Seidl, R.; Selvi, F.; Stenlid, J.; Valladares, F.; van Keer, J.; Vesterdal, L.; Fischer, M.; Gamfeldt, L.; Allan, E.: Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealized potential for forest multifunctionality. Ecology Letters 21 (1), S. 31 - 42 (2018)
Butler, E. E.; Datta, A.; Flores-Moreno, H.; Chen, M.; Wythers, K. R.; Fazayeli, F.; Banerjee, A.; Atkine, O. K.; Kattge, J.; Amiaud, B. et al.; Blonder, B.; Boenisch, G.; Bond-Lamberty, B.; Brown, K. A.; Byun, C.; Campetella, G.; Cerabolini, B. E. L.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Craine, J. M.; Craven, D.; de Vriess, F. T.; Diaz, S.; Domingues, T. F.; Forey, E.; González-Melox, A.; Grossy, N.; Han, W.; Hattingh, W. N.; Hickler, T.; Jansen, S.; Kramer, K.; Kraft, N. J. B.; Kurokawa, H.; Laughlin, D. C.; Meir, P.; Minden, V.; Niinemets, Ü.; Onoda, Y.; Penuelas, J.; Read, Q.; Sack, L.; Schamp, B.; Soudzilovskaia, N. A.; Spasojevic, M. J.; Sosinski, E.; Thornton, P. E.; Valladares, F.; van Bodegom, P. M.; Williams, M.; Wirth, C.; Reich , P. B.: Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (51), S. E10937 - E10946 (2017)
Ferlian, O.; Wirth, C.; Eisenhauer, N.: Leaf and root C-to-N ratios are poor predictors of soil microbial biomass C and respiration across 32 tree species. Pedobiologia 65, S. 16 - 23 (2017)
Ratcliffe, S.; Wirth, C.; Jucker, T.; van der Plas, F.; Scherer‐Lorenzen, M.; Verheyen, K.; Allan, E.; Benavides, R.; Bruelheide, H.; Ohse, B. et al.; Paquette, A.; Ampoorter, E.; Bastias, C. C.; Bauhus, J.; Bonal, D.; Bouriaud, O.; Bussotti, F.; Carnol, M.; Castagneyrol, B.; Chećko, E.; Dawud, S. M.; Wandeler, H. D.; Domisch, T.; Finér, L.; Fischer, M.; Fotelli, M.; Gessler, A.; Granier, A.; Grossiord, C.; Guyot, V.; Haase, J.; Hättenschwiler, S.; Jactel, H.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Joly, F.; Kambach, S.; Kolb, S.; Koricheva, J.; Liebersgesell, M.; Milligan, H.; Müller, S.; Muys, B.; Nguyen, D.; Nock, C.; Pollastrini, M.; Purschke, O.; Radoglou, K.; Raulund‐Rasmussen, K.; Roger, F.; Ruiz‐Benito, P.; Seidl, R.; Selvi, F.; Seiferling, I.; Stenlid, J.; Valladares, F.; Vesterdal, L.; Baeten, L.: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context. Ecology Letters 20 (11), S. 1414 - 1426 (2017)
Ruiz-Benito, P.; Ratcliffe, S.; Zavala, M. A.; Martínez-Vilalta, J.; Vilà-Cabrera, A.; Lloret, F.; Madrigal-González, J.; Wirth, C.; Greenwood, S.; Kändler, G. et al.; Lehtonen, A.; Kattge, J.; Dahlgren, J.; Jump, A. S.: Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality. Global Change Biology 23 (10), S. 4162 - 4176 (2017)
Musavi, T.; Migliavacca, M.; Reichstein, M.; Kattge, J.; Wirth, C.; Black, T. A.; Janssens, I.; Knohl, A.; Loustau, D.; Roupsard, O. et al.; Varlagin, A.; Rambal, S.; Cescatti, A.; Gianelle, D.; Kondo, H.; Tamrakar, R.; Mahecha, M. D.: Stand age and species richness dampen interannual variation of ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (2), 0048 (2017)
Ohse, B.; Hammerbacher, A.; Seele, C.; Meldau, S.; Reichelt, M.; Ortmann, S.; Wirth, C.: Salivary cues: simulated roe deer browsing induces systemic changes in phytohormones and defense chemistry in wild‐grown maple and beech saplings. Functional Ecology 31 (2), S. 340 - 349 (2017)
Chen, H.; Mommer, L.; van Ruijven, J.; de Kroon, H.; Fischer, C.; Gessler, A.; Hildebrandt, A.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Wirth, C.; Weigelt, A.: Plant species richness negatively affects root decomposition in grasslands. Journal of Ecology 105 (1), S. 209 - 218 (2017)
Chen, H.; Oram, N. J.; Barry, K. E.; Mommer, L.; van Ruijven, J.; de Kroon, H.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Fischer, C.; Gleixner, G. et al.; Gessler, A.; Mace, O. G.; Hacker, N.; Hildebrandt, A.; Lange, M.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Scheu, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Wagg, C.; Wilcke, W.; Wirth, C.; Weigelt, A.: Root chemistry and soil fauna, but not soil abiotic conditions explain the effects of plant diversity on root decomposition. Oecologia 185 (3), S. 499 - 511 (2017)
Jucker, T.; Caspersen, J.; Chave, J.; Antin, C.; Barbier, N.; Bongers, F.; Dalponte, M.; van Ewijk, K. Y.; Forrester, D. I.; Haeni, M. et al.; Higgins, S. I.; Holdaway, R. J.; Iida, Y.; Lorimer, C.; Marshall, P. L.; Momo, S.; Moncrieff, G. R.; Ploton, P.; Poorter, L.; Rahman, K. A.; Schlund, M.; Sonké, B.; Sterck, F. J.; Trugman, A. T.; Usoltsev, V. A.; Vanderwel, M. C.; Waldner, P.; Wedeux, B. M. M.; Wirth, C.; Wöll, H.; Woods, M.; Xiang, W.; Zimmermann, N. E.; Coomes, D. A.: Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programmes. Global Change Biology 23 (1), S. 177 - 190 (2017)
Ohse, B.; Seele, C.; Holzwarth, F.; Wirth, C.: Different facets of tree sapling diversity influence browsing intensity by deer dependent on spatial scale. Ecology and Evolution 7 (17), S. 6779 - 6789 (2017)
Weisser, W. W.; Roscher, C.; Meyer, S. T.; Ebeling, A.; Luo, G.; Allane, E.; Beßler, H.; Barnard, R. L.; Buchmann, N.; Buscot, F. et al.; Engels, C.; Fischer, C.; Fischer, M.; Gessler, A.; Gleixner, G.; Halle, S.; Hildebrandt, A.; Hillebrand, H.; de Kroon, H.; Lange, M.; Leimer, S.; Le Roux, X.; Milcu, A.; Mommer, L.; Niklaus, P. A.; Oelmann, Y.; Proulx, R.; Roy, J.; Scherber, C.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Scheu, S.; Tscharntke, T.; Wachendorf, M.; Wagg, C.; Weigelt, A.; Wilcke, W.; Wirth, C.; Schulze, E. D.; Schmid, B.; Eisenhauer, N.: Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and Applied Ecology 23, S. 1 - 73 (2017)
Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Chambers, J. Q.; Peterson, C. J.; Trumbore, S. E.; Marra, D. M.; Wirth, C.; Cannon, J. B.; Negron-Juarez, R. I.; Lima, A. J. N.; de Paula, E. V. C. M. et al.; Santos, J.; Higuchi, N.: Mechanical vulnerability and resistance to snapping and uprooting for Central Amazon tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 380, S. 1 - 10 (2016)
Musavi, T.; Migliavacca, M.; van de Weg, M. J.; Kattge, J.; Wohlfahrt, G.; van Bodegom, P.; Reichstein, M.; Bahn, M.; Carrara, A.; Domingues, T. et al.; Gavazzi, M.; Gianelle, D.; Gimeno, C.; Granier, A.; Gruening, C.; Havránková, K.; Herbst, M.; Hrynkiw, C.; Kalhori, A.; Kaminski, T.; Klumpp, K.; Kolari, P.; Longdoz, B.; Minerbi, S.; Montagnani, L.; Moors, E.; Oechel, W.; Reich, P.; Rohatyn, S.; Rossi, A.; Rotenberg, E.; Varlagin, A.; Wilkinson, M.; Wirth, C.; Mahecha, M. D.: Potential and limitations of inferring ecosystem photosynthetic capacity from leaf functional traits. Ecology and Evolution 6 (20), S. 7352 - 7366 (2016)
Madrigal-González, J.; Ruiz-Benito, P.; Ratcliffe, S.; Calatayud, J.; Kändler, G.; Lehtonen, A.; Dahlgren, J.; Wirth, C.; Zavala, . A.: Complementarity effects on tree growth are contingent on tree size and climatic conditions across Europe. Scientific Reports 6, 32233 (2016)
Ratcliffe, S.; Liebergesell, M.; Ruiz-Benito, P.; González, J. M.; Castañeda, J. M. M.; Kändler, G.; Lehtonen, A.; Dahlgren, J.; Kattge, J.; Peñuelas, J. et al.; Zavala, M. A.; Wirth, C.: Modes of functional biodiversity control on tree productivity across the European continent. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (3), S. 251 - 262 (2016)
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