Publications of Susan E. Trumbore
All genres
Journal Article (300)
Journal Article
22 (2), 472, p. 455 (2025)
How long does carbon stay in a near-pristine central Amazon forest? An empirical estimate with radiocarbon. Biogeosciences
Journal Article
16, 720 (2025)
Hydroclimatic extremes threaten groundwater quality and stability. Nature Communications
Journal Article
17, pp. 1225 - 1232 (2024)
Frequent rainfall-induced new particle formation within the canopy in the Amazon rainforest. Nature Geoscience
Journal Article
5 (6), e2023AV001030 (2024)
Increased occurrence of large-scale windthrows across the Amazon Basin. AGU Advances
Journal Article
24 (15), pp. 8893 - 8910 (2024)
How rainfall events modify trace gas mixing ratios in central Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Journal Article
5 (4), e2024AV001334 (2024)
Challenges facing scientific publishing in the field of earth & space sciences. AGU Advances
Journal Article
21 (13), pp. 3183 - 3199 (2024)
The emission of CO from tropical rain forest soils. Biogeosciences
Journal Article
105 (7), pp. E1275 - E1302 (2024)
CloudRoots-Amazon22: Integrating clouds with photosynthesis by crossing scales. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Journal Article
30 (5), e17320 (2024)
Controls and relationships of soil organic carbon abundance and persistence vary across pedo-climatic regions. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
High capacity of integrated crop-pasture systems to preserve old soil carbon evaluated in a 60-year-old experiment. Soil (accepted)
Journal Article
66 (2), pp. 306 - 325 (2024)
Insights into growth, ring formation and maximum ages of Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) using 14C dating and tree-ring analysis. Radiocarbon
Journal Article
The mobilization and transport of newly fixed carbon are driven by plant water use in an experimental rainforest under drought. Journal of Experimental Botany, erae030 (2024)
Journal Article
129 (1), e2023JG007449 (2024)
Dimethyl sulfide emissions from a peatland result more from organic matter degradation than sulfate reduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Journal Article
30 (1), e17089 (2024)
Controls on timescales of soil organic carbon persistence across sub-Saharan Africa. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
381 (2261), 20220209 (2023)
A special issue preface: Radiocarbon in the Anthropocene. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Journal Article
381 (2261), 20230081 (2023)
Making the case for an International Decade of Radiocarbon. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Journal Article
Carbon dynamics in long-term starving poplar trees—the importance of older carbohydrates and a shift to lipids during survival. Tree Physiology, tpad135 (2023)
Journal Article
111 (11), pp. 2532 - 2548 (2023)
Anatomical distribution of starch in the stemwood influences carbon dynamics and suggests storage-growth trade-offs in some tropical trees. Journal of Ecology
Journal Article
21 (2), pp. 137 - 142 (2023)
The state of land cover in the floodplain of the Samara river caused with long-term coal mining. ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara
Journal Article
14, 1252498 (2023)
Microbial degradation and assimilation of veratric acid in oxic and anoxic groundwaters. Frontiers in Microbiology