Publications of Gerd Gleixner

Journal Article (235)

Journal Article
Tanunchai, B.; Ji, L.; Schroeter, S. A.; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Larpkern, P.; Lehnert, A.-S.; Alves, E. G.; Gleixner, G.; Schulze, E. D.; Noll, M. et al.: A poisoned apple: First insights into community assembly and networks of the fungal pathobiome of healthy-looking senescing leaves of temperate trees in mixed forest ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 968218 (2022)
Journal Article
Tanunchai, B.; Schroeter, S. A.; Ji, L.; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Hossen, S.; Lehnert, A.-S.; Grünberg, H.; Gleixner, G.; Buscot, F.; Schulze, E. D. et al.: More than you can see: Unraveling the ecology and biodiversity of lichenized fungi associated with leaves and needles of 12 temperate tree species using high-throughput sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 907531 (2022)
Journal Article
Orme, A. M.; Lange, M.; Benk, S.; Wicke, M.; Kolle, O.; Pohnert, G.; Gleixner, G.: Drought reduces release of plant matter into dissolved organic matter potentially restraining ecosystem recovery. Frontiers in Soil Science 2, 904259 (2022)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, S.; Lange, M.; Malik, A. A.; Goodall, T.; Huang, J.; Griffiths, R. I.; Gleixner, G.: Plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi efficiently acquire Nitrogen from substrate additions by shaping the decomposer community composition and their net plant carbon demand. Plant and Soil 475, pp. 473 - 490 (2022)
Journal Article
Schroeter, S. A.; Eveillard, D.; Chaffron, S.; Zoppi, J.; Kampe, B.; Lohmann, P.; Jehmlich, N.; von Bergen, M.; Sanchez-Arcos, C.; Pohnert, G. et al.: Microbial community functioning during plant litter decomposition. Scientific Reports 12, 7451 (2022)
Journal Article
Neugebauer, I.; Dinies, M.; Plessen, B.; Dräger, N.; Brauer, A.; Brückner, H.; Frenzel, P.; Gleixner, G.; Hoelzmann, P.; Krahn, K. J. et al.: The unexpectedly short Holocene Humid Period in Northern Arabia. Communications Earth & Environment 3, 47 (2022)
Journal Article
Mielke, L.; Taubert, M.; Cesarz, S.; Ruess, L.; Kuesel, K.; Gleixner, G.; Lange, M.: Nematode grazing increases the allocation of plant-derived carbon to soil bacteria and saprophytic fungi, and activates bacterial species of the rhizosphere. Pedobiologia 90, 150787 (2022)
Journal Article
Gleixner, G.: Insights into the known 13C depletion of methane—contribution of the kinetic isotope effects on the serine hydroxymethyltransferase reaction. Frontiers in Chemistry 9, 698067 (2022)
Journal Article
Simon, C.; Dührkop, K.; Petras, D.; Roth, V.-N.; Böcker, S.; Dorrestein, P. C.; Gleixner, G.: Mass difference matching unfolds hidden molecular structures of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology 56 (15), pp. 11027 - 11040 (2022)
Journal Article
Gayantha, K.; Roberts, P.; Routh, J.; Wedage, O.; Ott, F.; Frenzel, P.; Chandrajith, R.; Gleixner, G.: Mid-late Holocene sub-millennial scale inverse trends of South Asian summer and winter monsoons in Sri Lanka. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 789291 (2021)
Journal Article
Simon, C.; Pimentel, T. P.; Monteiro, M. T. F.; Candido, L. A.; Gastmans, D.; Geilmann, H.; da Oliveira, R. C.; Rocha, J. B.; Pires, E.; Quesada, C. A. et al.: Molecular links between whitesand ecosystems and blackwater formation in the Rio Negro watershed. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 311, pp. 274 - 291 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, X.; Xu, B.; Günther, F.; Gleixner, G.: Seasonal variation of leaf wax n-alkane delta2H values: Differences between Quercus aquifolioides (an evergreen tree) and Stipa bungeana (a perennial grass) from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 207, 103674 (2021)
Journal Article
Huang, J.; Hammerbacher, A.; Gershenzon, J.; van Dam, N. M.; Sala, A.; McDowell, N. G.; Chowdhury, S.; Gleixner, G.; Trumbore, S. E.; Hartmann, H.: Storage of carbon reserves in spruce trees is prioritized over growth in the face of carbon limitation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (33), e2023297118 (2021)
Journal Article
Oelmann, Y.; Lange, M.; Leimer, S.; Roscher, C.; Aburto, F.; Alt, F.; Bange, N.; Berner, D.; Boch, S.; Boeddinghaus, R. S. et al.: Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle in agricultural grasslands. Nature Communications 12, 4431 (2021)
Journal Article
Schroeter, N.; Mingram, J.; Kalanke, J.; Lauterbach, S.; Tjallingii, R.; Schwab, V. F.; Gleixner, G.: The reservoir age effect varies with the mobilization of pre-aged organic carbon in a high-altitude Central Asian catchment. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 681931 (2021)
Journal Article
Potthast, K.; Meyer, S.; Tischer, A.; Gleixner, G.; Sieburg, A.; Frosch, T.; Michalzik, B.: Grasshopper herbivory immediately affects element cycling but not export rates in an N-limited grassland system. Ecosphere 12 (3), e03449 (2021)
Journal Article
Lange, M.; Roth, V.-N.; Eisenhauer, N.; Roscher, C.; Dittmar, T.; Fischer, C.; Macé, O. G.; Hildebrandt, A.; Milcu, A.; Mommer, L. et al.: Plant diversity enhances production and downward transport of biodegradable dissolved organic matter. Journal of Ecology 109 (3), pp. 1284 - 1297 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, X.; Xu, B.; Li, J.; Xie, Y.; Gleixner, G.: Late-Holocene fluctuations of monsoonal Qiangyong Glacier, southern Tibetan Plateau. The Holocene 31 (7), pp. 1138 - 1147 (2021)
Journal Article
Ding, S.; Lange, M.; Lipp, J.; Schwab, V. F.; Chowdhury, S.; Pollierer, M. M.; Krause, K.; Li, D.; Kothe, E.; Scheu, S. et al.: Characteristics and origin of intact polar lipids in soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151, 108045 (2020)
Journal Article
van der Plas, F.; Schröder-Georgi, T.; Weigelt, A.; Barry, K.; Meyer, S.; Alzate, A.; Barnard, R. L.; Buchmann, N.; de Kroon, H.; Ebeling, A. et al.: Plant traits alone are poor predictors of ecosystem properties and long-term ecosystem functioning. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, pp. 1602 - 1611 (2020)