Workshop on Model Data Integration for Soil Carbon Dynamics25-27th of October, 2007 at Jena, Germany
Soil carbon dynamics are modeled in most global soil models with first order kinetics. Therefore, they are implicitly assuming that the stability of carbon is based on substrate quality only. However, accounting for the soil biology and different mechanisms of carbon stabilization in different ways can potentially change our projections of the climate system profoundly.
New modeling approaches are hard to validate. Often data is missing or terminology and the conceptual views of the soil differs between soil experimentalists and soil modelers.
The workshop aims at bringing together models and data, modelers and experimentalists in order to put forward new modeling approaches. The workshop wants to be a platform to exchange knowledge, discuss problems, demonstrate promising pathways, and establish links between the different groups.
Contributions on questions, unresolved problems, and need for exchange are welcome.
Markus Reichstein
Chances and challenges for model-data synthesis in Biogeochemical cycle science
Thomas Wutzler?
Tel: +49 3641 576271
Markus Reichstein?
Tel: +49 3641 576273
Biogeochemical Model-Data Integration Group at Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany