Temperature time series recorded in Jena since 1770

(Revised version: February 2024)

Observations are from the Jena weather station ("Sternwarte") except where noted otherwise.

If indicated, popup-tooltips with the numerical values appear when the mouse is hoovering over individual data points (takes a few seconds to load)


Graphics:Annual Mean Airtemperature, Jena

Figure 1 (w. tooltips). Annual mean temperatures recorded in Jena since 1770. Black: Early observations taken by Zeissing (1770-1781) and Suckow in the Kollegiengasse, downtown Jena (1782-1800). Green: Observations from Sternwarte weather station up to the last station relocation (1904) as compiled by Grebe (1936). All early data up to 1904 have been corrected by Berkeley Earth ("https://berkeleyearth.org") for biases using regional expected temperature anomalies. Blue: Observations after 1904 from Sternwarte as archived at the Open Data Server of the German Weather Service (DWD, "https://opendata.dwd.de").  Red line: long-term trend fitted to the complete bias-corrected data composite. Dashed line: long-term trend fitted to the original, uncorrected data from the DWD Data Server.


Figure 2. Daily mean temperatures of the last two years in the statistical context. The thick blue line shows the climatological seasonal cycle determined from the climatological norm period 1991-2020. The statistics, ±σ and ±2σ sigma curves have been computed from the daily statistics of the climatological norm period. The grey lines labelled Min and Max show the all-time minimum, resp. maximum daily mean temperature ever observed at the Jena weather station (i.e. since 1820).

On the Min-and Max-curves, the popup-tooltips show the year and value of the observed temperature extremum.


Figure 3. Same as Figure 2 but for the last 12 months.


Figure 4 (w. tooltips). Same as Figure 2 but for the last month. The green curve shows for comparison the measurements taken at the MPI BGC weather station.

Trend of temperature extremes

Graphics:Days with maximum temperature > 33C, Jena

Figure 5 (w. tooltips). Graph of the days with a recorded temperature maximum larger than 33°C.

Graphics:Days with minimum temperature < -15C, Jena

Figure 6 (w. tooltips). Graph of the days with a recorded temperature minimum lower than -15°C.

Last Update: Sun 9 Mar 2025 04:45:30




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