IMPRS workshop 'How to finish your PhD' 2020
1. General information
Date: December 1, 2020, 9.30 AM - 4.30 PM
Place: webinar
Instructor: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf
Category: Transferable skills
Credit points: 0.2
2. Description
2.1 Content
- How to define and set goals, do time planning and time management
- How to deal with different requirements at the same time: research, publishing, guiding MA-students etc.
- How to motivate yourself and how to deal with demotivation
- Your next goals after finishing your PhD
- How to structure the work and the writing process
- How to deal with writer’s blocHow to work with your supervisor
- Science myths demystified
- If it all does not work: looking for advice
2.2 Course objectives
Participants will learn to understand, why it is sometimes not easy to finish a dissertation. They will find solutions for the most prominent challenges.
2.3 Methods used
Short presentations by trainer; talks in smaller groups and with all participants; use of different worksheets; self-reflection
Participants will work together in interactive exercises and gather their own experience. The number of participants for this workshop is limited to 12.
For further details on the content and logistic matters (including registration issues), please contact the IMPRS office.