Further (training) opportunities
- IMPRS course archive
- Learning Platform LMS of the Max Planck Society
- courses by our partners
- databases like datacamp, Coursera, PhDportal, Stanford Online, edX, Harvard Online Learning, MIT open courseware, Udemy, Kaggle
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) like Climate Change, Land in Focus – Basics of Remote Sensing, Planetary boundaries and human opportunities, Atmospheric Chemistry of planets, Understanding Climate Change using Satellite Data, MOOC list
- Gordon Research Seminars
Local seminars & colloquia
Summer schools and other external courses
- New Advances in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
- Earth System Modelling School, IMPRS-ESM, Hamburg, Germany
- Land Use and Ecosystem Change, KIT/IMK-IFU, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
- Radiocarbon short course, University of California, Irvine, USA
- European Research Course on Atmospheres school, Grenoble
- Swiss Climate Summer School, Ascona, Switzerland
- Eddy Covariance FluxNet course
- Summer Schools in Europe
- Summer School FORMON - Long-term Forest Monitoring
- Potsdam Summer School, Germany
- Spatial Ecology, Matera, Italy
- Remote Sensing and Spatial Modelling, Münster, Germany
- Cluster of Excellence – Machine Learning for Science, Tübingen, Germany
- NASA Summer School on Satellite Observations and Climate Models, Caltech, California, USA
(organizers are given in brackets)
Social events
(PhD representatives, currently: Aleksei, Arina, Laura, Antje, Kristian, Nathalie)
BBQs, bar evenings, seasonal events like summer party, visit of the christmas market, movie night, ...
Sport in Jena
organized by our colleagues (contact in brackets)
>> take initiative and join or start a group activity
- Football (Tiana in the park, Sarosh in Lobeda)
- Rugby (Beatrix)
- Badminton (David)
- Hiking (international external group)
Sports department at the
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- University for Applied Science (only in German}
Local information
Art & culture