IMPRS-gBGC Retreat 2017
Place | |
Date | February 14-15, 2017 |
Travel directions | |
by bus from (Inselplatz, Jena) at 8:30 am | |
by car via A4, A71 | |
by train (hourly) via Weimar & Erfurt | |
Registration | here by January 12, 2017 |
1. Learn from each other
It is an important aim of the PhD program to facilitate the exchange among the doctoral researchers and with experienced scientists. This targeted support is important since doctoral researchers, advisors and course facilitators are spread across several institutes. Through scientific discussions after presentations of doctoral researchers or during poster sessions, but also through informal conversations during the breaks, the retreat organized under the umbrella of the IMPRS contribute significantly to an team spirit and also the development of personal career networks.
The retreat is our networking event for a lively exchange between all members of the IMPRS. This means there will be opportunity
- to present your work
- to get to know other doctoral researchers and advisors
- learn about overarching research questions in Earth System Science
- ask about (for example)
- techniques used in other fields of science
- science in general
All doctoral researchers should join. All IMPRS-faculty members and other advisors of IMPRS stipend holders are also strongly encouraged to participate.
2. Agenda
This is the agenda and a list of the titles of talks & posters.
2.1 3-min talks & related poster sessions
Presentations during the retreat should help other IMPRS members to understand what you are doing. That is why every doctoral researcher should present his/her work in a short talk and a poster. From this page you can download templates for both slides and poster presentations.
3-min talk
Nature article on how to prepare an 'elevator speech' and why these short presentations are useful.
Your talk (template) should be understandable for everybody in the audience (microbiologists and physicists alike). Everything that is too long or to complex for this short talk should go into the poster.
So rather present some key concepts or select one key result. Make sure to explain what is new and important about your work. What are overarching/related questions in biogeochemistry and Earth system science?
From your talk, people should be able to take home
- Why is your research important? (Context)
- What is your main research question?
- Perhaps how do you address the question? (Methods you use… this also helps others to see in which areas you are/are becoming an expert and how to connect with you)
- Perhaps one key result
Discuss with your advisor(s) in advance to identify these key issues.
Every doctoral researcher will give a 3-min-talk (about 3 slides) + 2 min discussion (urgent questions). Thereafter everybody moves to another room and a poster session will take place.
Poster session
Every doctoral researcher should bring a poster (Poster template) to the retreat. Show interesting aspects of your work that do not fit into the 3-min talk. This could be
- (further) results
- details about your project background/setup
- questions you have
- etc.
You can also bring a recent existing poster.
2.2 Parallel session
The parallel session will give you time to discussed important issues. A horizontal session for doctoral researchers will be organized by the PhD representatives and the horizontal session for junior group leaders and faculty members will be prepared by Steffi. Topics for break-out groups will be communicated using an etherpad or via email to Steffi. Please contribute with topics of your interest.
Horizontal discussion among the junior group leaders and faculty members:
- recruitment procedure (transparency and potential improvements)
- election of a new group leader representative for the steering committee
- …
Horizontal discussion among PhD researchers:
- introduction to the different PhD representatives
- election of the PhD representative for the steering committee
- missing courses
- ...
First ideas for the break-out groups:
- curriculum
- research stay
- career planning
- competences of doctoral researchers
- how to finish your PhD // how to get started
- ...
3. Feedback
This is the feedback of 31 (out of 60) participants. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.