IMPRS-gBGC course 'Python' 2017
Category: Skill course
Credit points: 0.2 CP per course day
1. Concept
This course addresses everybody who is interested in learning Python from scratch. The course is organized in three parts: "Basics" on day one and two, "Advanced Analysis with Python" on day three and "Data Visualisation" on day four. Please sign up for the modules that are of interest for you. If you have any question ie. regarding the level of detail feel free to address the instructors.
2. Organizational issues
Instructors: Jacob Nelson, Sujan Koirala
Date: February 28, March 6-7 and March 13-14, 2017
Starting time: 9.00 am
Place: Seminar room B0.002 (MPI-BGC)
3. Agenda
Day | Content |
February 28 | Overview of commonly used programming languages |
9:00 am | Introduction to Python, R, MATLAB and Julia |
March 6 | Basics |
9:00 am | Intallation and package management
pm | Data types
March 7 | Basics |
am | Structure of a Python Program
Mathematical operations in NumPy
March 13 | Advanced Analysis with Python |
am |
March 14 | Data Visualisation |
am |
4. What you need to prepare
Bring a laptop.
Please also make sure that you can access the internet via WLAN (BGC-users, if you have a BGC-account; BGC-guests, if you don't have an account)
5. Material
6. Feedback
The survey gives feedback of 6 participants. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.