IMPRS-gBGC workshop 'Climate science: from basic research to communication'
Category: Transferable skills
Credit points: 0.2
1. Abstract
The Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the IMPRS-gBGC offer a workshop for junior climate scientists on their role in communicating research results to the general public as well as to societal and political stakeholder.
- Which means and instruments are used by climate researchers to communicate their knowledge to society?
- Can current climate research answer questions that concern politics, businesses and civil society?
- Does the scientific community provide answers that are heard at all in the non-scientific world?
- ...
The complex topics will be introduced and addressed in a key-note lecture of Hans von Storch1 and extensively discussed in the framework of a workshop led by Marie-Luise Beck2.
The workshop will pave the way for questions and discussions on a wide range of issues like:
- Does my research have a benefit for society? And if so, how can I bring it across?
- How do I best communicate with the media and what are tricks and pitfalls in the contact with an audience outside of my field of research?
- How much is basic research impacted by the need for applicability or the demand for societal relevance?
- What are there cross connections between science and politics that impact scientific research, e.g. through funding programs?
- ...
This workshop helps the climate researcher to reflect the relevance of his/her own work and its presentation to the general public. The workshop will encourage researchers to reflect on his/her own role and responsibility in society.
1 Professor at the Meterological Institute of the University of Hamburg and Director of Institute for Coastal Research of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
2 Managing Director of German Climate Consortium
2. Time & place
Key lecture by Hans von Storch1
January 21, 2016 (Thursday) at 14:00
Lecture hall at the MPI-BGC
(no registration necessary)
Workshop by Marie-Luise Beck2
January 22, 2016 (Friday) from 9:00 - 16:30
Seminar room B0.002 (MPI-BGC)
Please register here
3. Material
Presentation of Marie-Luise Beck
Press Release Exercise
The secret of scientists who impact policy
4. Feedback
Here are the survey results submitted by 15 (out of 19) participants. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.