IMPRS-gBGC workshop 'Analytical Techniques'
Category: Skill course
0.2 CP per course day
This skill course provides insights into different analytical techniques which are applied to resolve key questions in global biogeochemistry and related earth system sciences. Please do not participate in a course module if you are already familiar with the technique. The modules will give introductions to the methods. They do not address users.
1. Overview
Date: September/October, 2016
- MPI-BGC, Hans-Knöll-Str. 10
- Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (IAAC), seminar room #127, Lessingstr. 8
- Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Albert-Einstein-Straße 9
- Institute of Geosciences (IGW), Burgweg 11
- Institute of Microbiology, Neugasse 25
- Trace Gas Analysis and Gas Standard Preparation Flask and Calibration Laboratory (CAL-FCL), Kahlaische Str. 4
2. Agenda
L = lecture, S = seminar, D = demonstration, P = Practical
Day & Time | Type | Content | Who & Where |
Tue, Sept 13 | Analytical Techniques in Microbiology | Katrin Krause (Microbiology, FSU Jena) | |
9.00-10.00 am | L | Introduction fungi and fluorescence microscopy | Seminar room (Neugasse 25) |
10.00-12.00 am | P | (Immuno)fluorescence staining | Laboratory (Neugasse 25) |
1.00-4.00 pm | D, P | Fluorescence and laserscanning | Laboratory (Neugasse 25) |
Thu, Sept 15 | Routine Measurements and Analysis | Ines Hilke, Sonja Rosenlöcher, Birgit Fröhlich (MPI-BGC) | |
9.00-10.30 am | L | How to determine carbon, nitrogen, and other parameters in solid and liquid samples?
| B0.002 (MPI-BGC) |
11.00-12.00 am | D | Demonstration of analytical methods and laboratory instruments | A1.019 (MPI-BGC) |
13.00-16.00 pm | P | Analytics of solid and liquid sample | A1.019 (MPI-BGC) |
Fri, Sept 16 | Volatile organic compounds | Georg Pohnert (IAAC, FSU) | |
9:00-11.00 am | L | "Headspace SPME, GC/MS" Basics, enrichment of compounds from the gaseous phase → analysis | Seminar room #127 (Lessingstr. 8) |
11.00 am - 1.00 pm | P | Lab class "DMS from water samples" as an example + discussion & transfer of results (group 1) | Lab (Lessingstr. 8) |
1.00-3.00 pm | P | Lab class "DMS from water samples" as an example + discussion & transfer of results (group 2) | Lab (Lessingstr. 8) |
Mon, Sept 19 | LA-ICP-MS | Neele van Laaten (FSU Jena, IGW) | |
9.00-11.00 am | L | Theory of LA-ICP-MS | Seminar room (IGW) |
11.00-12.00 am | D | Practical applications of LA-ICP-MS | Lab (IGW) |
Wed, Sept 21 | Principles of Good Laboratory Praxis | Dr. Michael Raessler (MPI-BGC) | |
9.00-11.00 am | S |
| B0.002 (MPI-BGC) |
Wed, Sept 28 | Extraction methods and associated techniques | Molecular Biogeochemistry group (MPI-BGC) | |
9.00-12.00 am & 1.00-4.00 pm | L, D |
| B0.004 (MPI-BGC) |
Sept 29-30 | Raman spectroscopy | Torsten Frosch (FSU Jena / IPHT) | |
Thu, Sept 29 10-12 am | L | Raman spectroscopy | B0.004 (MPI-BGC) |
Thu, Sept 29 1-4 pm | D, P | Lab class: Raman gas spectroscopy | Lab (IPHT) |
Fri, Sept 30 1-4 pm | D, P | Lab class: Raman microspectroscopy of minerals | Lab (IPHT) |
Tue, Oct 4 | GasLab | Armin Jordan & Daniel Rzesanke (MPI-BGC) | |
9.00-11.30 am | L |
| B0.002 (MPI-BGC) |
12.30-13.30 pm | D | Tour through the Trace Gas Analysis and Gas Standard Preparation Flask and Calibration Laboratory | CAL-FCL (Kahlaische Str. 4) |
Tue, Oct 11 | 14C Analytics | Axel Steinhof (MPI-BGC) | |
9:15-10:30 am | L | Introduction to Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) | B0.002 (MPI-BGC) |
10:30-11:00 am | Coffee break | foyer, ground floor (MPI-BGC) | |
11:00-11:30 am | D | Lab demonstration | C01.005 (MPI-BGC) |
3. Material
Presentation of Katrin Krause: Analytical techniques in microbiology
Presentation of Ines Hilke: Routine measurements and analytics
Presentation of Georg Pohnert: Volatile organic compounds
Presentation of Neele van Laaten: LA-ICP-MS
Presentation of Dr. Rässler: Good laboratory praxis
Handout of Vanessa-Nina Roth: Extraction methods and associated techniques
Presentation of Torsten Frosch: Raman spectroscopy - will be uploaded soon
Presentation of Armin Jordan & Daniel Rzesanke: Introduction
Presentation of Armin Jordan & Daniel Rzesanke: Trace gas measurements
Presentation of Axel Steinhof: 14C Analytics
4. Feedback
The survey results are presented here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.