IMPRS workshop Scientific Writing 2015
1. Time & place
October, 1 & 2, 2015 (Thursday & Friday)
- Start: 09.30
- Finish: 17.30
MPI for Chemical Ecology, Haeckel room
2. The instructor
Dr. Brian Cusack from Science Craft
3. The class
3.1 Description
prepared by Science Craft
This two-day workshop enables life scientists to communicate their research clearly and effectively. Through numerous writing examples and relevant exercises as well as class discussions, participants learn how to describe their work in a flowing narrative with a clear “take home message”. The interactive nature of the workshop means participants benefit not only from the experience of the instructor but also from the ideas of other participants. Each participant receives a copy of our reference and exercise books. Additionally, writing samples from each participant are edited by the class instructor. The workshop teaches participants not only to tell the story of their research but also to direct their research using the writing process.
Participants Learn How To:
- Apply five key principles of scientific writing.
- Write for their readers.
- Construct a memorable “take-home message”.
- Connect all parts of their paper in a flowing narrative.
- Overcome writers’ block.
- Structure their paper for increased impact.
- Use the writing process to inform their own research.
- Understand the role of “story telling” in scientific writing.
3.2 Preparation
Before the workshop, participants are asked to provide a short sample of their own writing. This should be an Abstract and Title either from a manuscript currently in preparation or describing participants’ research so far. Early stage PhD students may choose to submit an outline of their proposed project. The writing sample should be a paragraph of 150 - 250 words with a one-sentence title. The writing sample will be edited by the course instructor and used as material for some of the practical writing exercises.
3.3 Contact

For further details on the content of the course, the instructor can be contacted directly:
Dr. Brian Cusack,
For logistic matters (including registration issues), please contact the IMPRS office.
4. Feedback
The survey results are available here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.