IMPRS-Retreat 2014
Place: | Castle of Dornburg ca. 7 km from Jena |
Date: | February 11-12, 2014 |
Start: | 8:30 a.m. at the Inselplatz, Jena (Link to map) - Bus transfer |
1. Learn from each other
The retreat is our networking event for a lively exchange between all members of the IMPRS. This means there will be opportunity
- to present your work
- to get to know other IMPRS students and advisors
- learn about overarching research questions in Earth System Science
- ask about (for example)
- techniques used in other fields of science
- science in general
All IMPRS-students should join. All IMPRS-faculty members and other advisors of IMPRS students are also strongly encouraged to participate.
2. Agenda
See the agenda here
2.1 Presentations & discussion of PhD projects
Presentations during the retreat should help other IMPRS members to understand what you are doing. That is why every PhD student should present his/her work in a short talk and a poster. From this page you can download templates for both slides and poster presentations.
Every PhD student should showcase his/her work in a short talk and a poster. There will be a reward for the best talk and the best poster!
Nature article on how to prepare an 'elevator speech' and why these short presentations are useful.
Oral presentation
Your talk should be understandable for everybody in the audience (microbiologists and physicists alike). Everything that is too long or to complex for this short talk should go into the poster.
So rather present some key concepts. Perhaps select one key result. Make sure to explain what is new and important about your work. What are overarching/ related questions in biogeochemistry and Earth system science?
Discuss with your advisor(s) in advance to identify these key issues.
Each PhD student will give a 3-min-talk to introduce his/her topic (rule of thumb: about 3 slides). The emphasis is on discussing the project, so there are 6 min devoted to this (in total 9 min per PhD project).
The voting of the best presentation will be made using the evaluation form for oral presentations after the following criteria:
- Structural logic / understandability
- Scientific content
- Quality
- Originality
Poster presentations
Every PhD student should bring a poster. Use it to show interesting aspects of your work that do not fit into the 3-min talk. This could be
- your results
- details about your project background / setup
- questions you have
- etc.
You might bring a recent existing poster but please keep in mind that for the site visit of the IMPRS evaluation on May 20, 2014, every IMPRS student must present a poster, this time using the IMPRS template.
Poster sessions will take place during the coffee break in the afternoon (both days 3.30 - 4.30 p.m.). The PhD students will be separated into two groups: Members of group 1 are characterized by initial letters A - J of their first name like Antje, Fanny, Jakob, and Juliane. PhD students with an initial letter K - T like Lailah, Martin, Shreeya, and Talie belong to group 2.
On Tuesday members of group 1 stands at their posters whereas group 2 evaluates the posters of group 1 using the evaluation form for group 2. On Wednesday group 1 evaluates the posters of group 2 which stands at their posters using the evaluation form for group 1.
Additionally, PhD students will discuss further improvement of their posters and vote the best poster during the parallel session on Wednesday under the guidance of their cohort representative (in bold letters in the list of cohorts).
Criteria of an effective poster:
- Scientific content
- Structure and formatting
- Language and images
- Amount of information
- General impression
2.2 Parallel session
We will have time to prepare the evaluation. An introductory presentation will be given by Anna Görner and in the following parallel session the PhD students will work in groups of their cohorts (see list of cohorts). Get to know each other and help to prepare the report for the evaluation via creating profiles including photos of every PhD student (profile template).
2.3 IMPRS in general
The IMPRS aims continuous improvement. Therefore the curriculum including aims, courses and feedback/transparency are approached on Wednesday.
3. Material
3.1 Presentations of PhD projects
Tuesday, February 11, 2014, First morning session
- Slides by Martin Kunz
- Slides by Sabrina Niebling
- Slides by Fabio Boschetti
- Slides by Shreeya Verma
- Slides by Fanny Kittler
- Slides by Sungbin Park
- Slides by Tonatiuh Nuñez
- Slides by Friedemann Reum
Tuesday, February 11, 2014, Second morning session
- Slides by Jakob Fischer
- Slides by Jakob Zscheischler
- Slides by Jannis von Buttlar
- Slides by Johannes Meyerholt
- Slides by Juliane Geller
- Slides by Martina Franz
- Slides by Sven Boese
- Slides by Iulia Ilie
- Slides by Talie Sadat Musavi
Tuesday, February 11, 2014, Afternoon session
- Slides by Daniel Marra
- Slides by Luise Eichhorn
- Slides by Marcus Guderle
- Slides by Saadat Malghani
- Slides by Antje Ehrle
- Slides by Emily Solly
- Slides by Gabriela Pereyra
- Slides by Sina Truckenbrodt
Wednesday, February 12, 2014, First morning session
- Slides by Andreas Schmalwasser
- Slides by Perla Giselle Mellado Vazquez
- Slides by Ashish Malik
- Slides by Aileen Weist
- Slides by Jens Kirstein
- Slides by Eric Morgan
- Slides by Min Jung Kwon
Wednesday, February 12, 2014, Second morning session
- Slides by Karoline Henkel
- Slides by Lailah Gifty Akita
- Slides by Martin Nowak
- Slides by Roman Witt
- Slides by Stefan Karlowsky
- Slides by Stefan Hanf
- Slides by Mikhail Urbazaev
- Slides by Chirag Dhara
Other presentations
3.2 Forms
Evaluation form for oral presentations
Evaluation form for Posters: