IMPRS-gBGC course Poster presentations 2014
1. Description
The two-day course of 16 hours by Andrew Davis addresses the following subjects which are important for successful presentations of scientific posters:
- Introduction: what are posters for ?
- Defining the message and defining the audience
- Principles of Design: space, structure, colour – and not a “paper on the wall”
- Design outside the frame, the poster as picture
- Attracting customers: hunters and grazers; bring them in, beauty, bribes and cheek
- Don’t just stand there: engaging the customer
- Contact mechanisms: design for photos, phone readable details
- Play acting and videos: practice makes perfect
2. Time & place
September 8 & 9, 2014
MPI for Biogeochemistry, seminar room B0.002
September 8:
| September 9:
3. Preparation
Before the workshop, participants are asked to provide a poster. These posters could be ones already made or ones made especially for the course.
4. Registration
Click here to register before September 1, 2014.
5. Course material
Video record
Video 1
Video 2
ZIP file of video 3
Video 4
6. Feedback
9 out of 10 participants completely filled in the survey. The survey results are available here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.