IMPRS course 'Climate Policy'
When & where
Preparatory meeting
November 18, 2011 at 11 a.m.
in Seminar room A2.025 (time has changed)
on January 26, starting at 14:00 in Seminar room B0.002
whole day of January 27, starting at 9 a.m. in Seminar room B0.004
Until 12:00, November 17, 2011 (deadline postponed for PhD students of graduate school "Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change" (GSBC))
This seminar will complement your education in natural sciences by fostering your understanding of how scientific findings can influence political decisions and — more fundamentally — how political decisions are being made.
In the preparatory meeting on November 18 you will select a sub-topic on which you will read and prepare a short (ca. 4 pages) essay. Deadline for submitting the essays is January 19, 2012.
During the seminar in January, we will share and build on the newly gained insights under the guidance of Prof. Freytag, Leo Wangler and Michael Hüttner.
Signing up in advance is necessary for Prof. Freytag to prepare the right amount of projects. He will also suggest suitable sources for reading.
With whom
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Freytag, Professor of Economics, Chair for Economic Policy at FSU Jena, expertise in
- Institutional Economics,
- Theory of Economic Policy,
- Development Economics,
- Public Choice,
- International Economics,
- Theory of Reform
- Dr. Leo Wangler, FSU Jena, working on
- Climate Change Policy,
- Renewable Energies,
- Constitutional Economics,
- Public Choice
- Michael Hüttner, Scientific Adviser to the International Climate Initiative Program office; expertise in
- Reducing emissions from tropical forest deforestation and degradation
- Analysis of deforestation drivers and conditions
- Political and economic incentive mechanisms for tropical forest protection
- International environmental economics and policy
- climate policy
Presentations, Resources for preparing essays etc. are available on this password protected page.
IMPRS PhD students who do a sufficiently good job at preparing for the 2-day seminar in January will be credited with 1 point.