Day | Slot | Type | Content | Who |
Mon | | | Optical remote sensing (incl. preprocessing like atmospheric & topographic correction) | Prof. Dr. Christiane Schmullius, Dr. Sören Hese |
| 9:00-10:00 | T | Introduction to Remote Sensing Concepts: EMS | Christiane Schmullius |
| 10:15-11:15 | T | Sensor Concepts (Spectral, Geometric, Radiometric, Temporal Resolution) | Christiane Schmullius |
| 11:30-12:30 | T | Sensor Overview and Applications | Christiane Schmullius |
| 14:00-15:00 | T | Introduction to Image Processing | Sören Hese |
| 15:15-16:15 | T | Atmospheric and topographic correction methods | |
| 16:30-18:00 | P | Practical exercises (using ENVI) | Sören Hese |
Tue | | | RADAR remote sensing for Earth surface | Prof. Dr. Christiane Schmullius, Dr. Christian Thiel, Dr. Carsten Pathe |
| 9:00-10:00 | T | Introduction to Radar Concepts and Image Geometry | Christiane Schmullius |
| 10:15-11:15 | T | Sensor Parameters (Wavelength, Polarisation, Incidence Angle) | Christiane Schmullius |
| 11:30-12:30 | T | Surface Parameters (Dielectric Constant, Roughness) | Christiane Schmullius |
| 14:00-16:00 | T | Applications: Forest (inkl. INSAR, POLSAR) | Christian Thiel |
| 16:00-18:00 | P | Practical exercises (using ESA NEST + ASF MapReady + ENVI) | Carsten Pathe |
Wed | | | Atmosphere: essential climate variables | Julia Marshall (PhD) & Dr. Dietrich Feist |
| 9:00-10:00 | T | Introduction to sensing of the atmosphere, and atmospheric ECVs. Some discussion about different orbit configurations, and a brief history of remote sensing of the atmosphere. | Julia Marshall and Dietrich Feist |
| 10:15-11:15 | T | An introduction to ground-based remote sensing of the atmosphere, focusing on the FTIR. | Dietrich Feist |
| 11:30-12:30 | T | Passive emission sensing of greenhouse gases, using the the sensors AIRS and IASI as teaching examples. | Julia Marshall |
| 14:00-15:00 | T | Passive scattering sensing of the atmosphere, using the examples of SCIAMACHY and GOSAT. | Julia Marshall |
| 15:15-16:15 | T | Active sensing of the atmosphere, using the example of the aerosol satellite CALIPSO and the planned methane mission MERLIN. | Julia Marshall |
| 16:30-18:00 | P | Practical session: "Design a satellite", where two groups will be given different measurement goals, and asked to plan and present a hypothetical satellite mission to meet these goals. | Julia Marshall and Dietrich Feist |
Thu | | | Essential climate variables (clouds, precipitation, altimeter, climate change programs for atmosphere) | Dr. Rainer Hollmann (DWD), Dr. Christian Klepp (MPI Meteorologie) |
| 9:00-13:00 | T | Observation of clouds and radiation, introduction to some international programs for the observation of essential climate variables | Rainer Hollmann (DWD) |
| 14:00-16:00 | T | precipitation measurement -The water and energy cycle and precipitation -precipitation derivation methods from space using VIS,IR and PMW -satellite sensors for precip -sensor characteristics and land/ocean differences -calibration, inter- and crosscalibration -available data sets -IPWG - the international precip working group activities -the HOAPS data set -intercomparing satellite climatologies, time series and zonal means -case studies -validation efforts (IPWG related and ships) -applications like natural hazards -the continuing time series and the SSMIS problems -the future is GPM | Christian Klepp (MPI Meteorologie) |
Fri | | | Essential climate variables, e.g. ocean color, sea surface temperature, fire disturbance, landcover | Dr. Roland Doerffer (Helmoltz Center Geesthacht), Dr. Sophie Bontemps (Université Catholique de Louvain), |
| 9:00-13:00 | T | Oceanic remote sensing (ocean color, sea surface temperature, etc.) | Roland Doerffer (Helmoltz Center Geesthacht) |
| 13:45-15:15 | T | Land Cover -Remote sensing and land observation -Remote sensing principles for land characterisation -Land cover classification | Sophie Bontemps (Université Catholique de Louvain) |
| 15:15-15:45 | T | Fire disturbance | Christiane Schmullius |
| 15:45 | | feedback and closing | |