creating a workflow platform for AI-based species identification
The consistent use of the latest artificial intelligence approaches in combination with the constant availability of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets make it possible to significantly simplify the identification of species, one of the basic tasks of biodiversity monitoring. During our Flora Incognita project on the automatic identification of plant species, we created an initial infrastructure that can be abstracted within the framework of an AI lighthouse project, so that in the future it will be much easier to extend automatic recognition to other species groups and a wide range of questions in the field of biodiversity research. Once a comprehensive infrastructure has been established, smaller projects focusing on specific questions should also be able to use this infrastructure easily.
Aim of the project
The project aims to leverage the existing potentials of both the Flora Incognita and the AI Lighthouse projects and take them to the next level. The initial infrastructure of the Flora Incognita project will be abstracted within the framework of this AI Lighthouse project, enabling it to extend the automatic identification of other species groups.
We are currently piloting the automated identification of life forms such as:
(supporting the Butterfly Monitoring Germany)
The planktAI project aims to provide an API for the automatic identification of phytoplankton species and the assessment of the trophic status of freshwater bodies, usable by both professionals and citizen scientists.
More information on this pilot study will follow shortly.
Duration: 12/2020 - 11/2023 Collaboration: TU Ilmenau (Data-intensive Systems and Visualization Group) Funding: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Contact Jana if you have any questions regarding the project: