Environmental Modelling: Global Ecosystem Modelling
Lecture/Practical/Seminar in SoSe 22 (Geo 415C; Friedolin: 71272)
Lecturers: Sönke Zaehle
Location: MMZ pool
Time: Monday 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
First lecture: Monday, April 11, 2022
More information (schedule, lecture notes, coding examples, seminar topics) on Moodle
Aim of the module
- Introduction to global ecosystem modeling in the context of global change.
- Description of essential processes & components: Biogeophysical & biogeochemical processes (vegetation/soil), phenology, vegetation dynamics & biodiversity, anthropogenic land use, and their implementation in global simulation models.
- Practical simulation of biogeochemical dynamics (setting up a simple model, evaluation, sensitivity tests) & addressing uncertainties (development and simulation of scenarios).
Learning Objectives
- Basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of global ecosystem modeling to predict climate change impacts.
- Basic insight into dynamic ecosystem model programming, its application and interpretation (using highly simplified examples)
- Synthesis and presentation of scientific literature
Some prior knowledge of programming with R is an advantage, but appropriate guidance will be provided for independent learning.
- Successfully completed exercises (written report)
- Presentation: synthesis, presentation and discussion of a scientific article on current issues in global ecosystem modeling. Suggested topics will be given, own suggestions are welcome.