
The Department for Biogeochemical Signals forms part of various international research projects in the field of e.g. land-biosphere-atmosphere interactions, carbon and nutrient cycles, Earth System modelling, remote sensing and Earth Observation, experimental field and lab studies.

Short descriptions of the scientific initiatives we are involved in are available below.

INCyTE (Investigation Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrail Ecosystems)
INCyTE brings together two communities that historically have not interacted closely: biogeochemical experimentalists and earth system modelers. The overarching goals of INCyTE are to enhance our understanding of nutrient cycling feedbacks on the global carbon (C) cycle in general, and to integrate different investigators, data, and experimental and conceptual frameworks to improve representation of nutrient interactions and constraints on the global terrestrial C cycle in Earth System Models.

Participating department members:
Sönke Zaehle more
Following the studies of Le Quéré et al., 2009 and Sitch et al., 2008, a consortium of Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) groups set up a project to investigate further the spatial trends in Net Biome Production (NBP) and agreed to perform a factorial set of DGVM simulations over the historical period, Sitch et al., BG, 2015.
As a community we decided to repeat this project every year since the first TRENDY-v1 in year 2010 in support of the Global Carbon Project’s (GCP) annual global carbon budget assessment (e.g. Friedlingstein et al., ESSD 2020), and its new regional initiative, the Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes project (RECCAP2), to which the latest round, TRENDY-v8 supports.

For further information regarding TRENDY, please contact Stephen Sitch (

Participating department members:
Sönke Zaehle
IAGOS (Integration of routine Aircraft measurements into a Global Observing System)
IAGOS (Integration of routine Aircraft measurements into a Global Observing System) is European research infrastructure, targeted at observations of atmospheric composition and aerosols. Our role is the deployment of high precision GHG measurement systems for routine airborne observations of CO2, CH4, CO, and H2O onboard commercial airliners.

Participating department members:
Christoph Gerbig more
GINKGO Biosphere
GINKGO is an initiative that aims at bundling activities in research on climate and land biosphere. It is born from the observation that although vegetation and soil is increasingly recognized as an important part of the climate system, there is a need to foster scientific and technological exchange across institutions in the research community.
Participating department member: Sönke Zaehle more
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