October 2023
October was a busy month for the group!
First of all, Sinikka published a preprint on “Interpretability of negative latent heat fluxes from Eddy Covariance measurements during dry conditions”.
Laura attended the TERENO conference in Bonn to show some preliminary results of her first PhD project.
Bayu joined the group, and visited Majadas de Tiétar with Laura and the Fieldwork team.
Lastly, Nick secured a Horizon Europe project on blue carbon ecosystems (C-BLUES), and will give a keynote talk at Asiaflux 2023.

September 2023
On August 30, our BGI department held annual retreat and it was the first time that Laura and Arvind presented posters showing their PhD projects, exciting! Also, our group hosted a visitor, Alex, from PSInet. We discussed how water potential information can help us understand better about plant responses to drought and heat stress. And, Sinikka will supervise a BSc student to establish soil retention curve for Majadas de Tiétar. This will allow us to convert long-term soil water content measurements to soil water potential, and hence to better simulate C fluxes under dry conditions.