Aufsicht auf einen Mischwald mit vielen abgestorbenen Bäumen, deren tote, kahle Äste zwischen dem Grün der gesunden Bäume weiß erscheinen.

Zeitschriftenartikel (105)

Zhang, H.-Y.; Lü, X.-T.; Knapp, A. K.; Hartmann, H.; Bai, E.; Wang, X.-B.; Wang, Z.-W.; Wang, X.-G.; Yu, Q.; Han, X.-G.: Facilitation by leguminous shrubs increases along a precipitation gradient. Functional Ecology 32 (1), S. 203 - 213 (2018)
Cobb, R. C.; Ruthrof, K.; Breshears, D.; Llorett, F.; Aakala, T.; Adams, H. D.; Anderegg, W. L.; Ewers, B. E.; Galiano, L.; Grünzweig, J. M. et al.; Hartmann, H.; Huang, C.; Klein, T.; Kunert, N.; Kitzberger, T.; Landhäusser, S. M.; Levick, S. R.; Preisler, Y.; Suarez, M. L.; Trotsiuk, V.; Zeppel, M.: Ecosystem dynamics and management after forest die-off: a global synthesis with conceptual state-and-transition models. Ecosphere 8 (12), e02034 (2017)
Adams, H. D.; Zeppel, M. J. B.; Anderegg, W. R. L.; Hartmann, H.; Landhäusser, S. M.; Tissue, D. T.; Huxman, T. E.; Hudson, P. J.; Franz, T. E.; Allen, C. D. et al.; Anderegg, L. D. L.; Barron-Gafford, G. A.; Beerling, D. J.; Breshears, D. D.; Brodribb, T. J.; Bugmann, H.; Cobb, R. C.; Collins, A. D.; Dickman, L. T.; Duan, H.; Ewers, B. E.; Galiano, L.; Galvez, D. A.; Garcia-Forner, N.; Gaylord, M. L.; Germino, M. J.; Gessler, A.; Hacke, U. G.; Hakamada, R.; Hector, A.; Jenkins, M. W.; Kane, J. M.; Kolb, T. E.; Law, D. J.; Lewis, J. D.; Limousin, J.-M.; Love, D. M.; Macalady, A. K.; Martínez-Vilalta, J.; Mencuccini, M.; Mitchell, P. J.; Muss, J. D.; O’Brien, M. J.; O’Grady, A. P.; Pangle, R. E.; Pinkard, E. A.; Piper, F. I.; Plaut, J. A.; Pockman, W. T.; Quirk, J.; Reinhardt, K.; Ripullone, F.; Ryan, M. G.; Sala, A.; Sevanto, S.; Sperry, J. S.; Vargas, R.; Vennetier, M.; Way, D. A.; Xu, C.; Yepez, E. A.; McDowell, N. G.: A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (9), S. 1285 - 1291 (2017)
Huang, J.; Hammerbacher, A.; Forkelova, L.; Hartmann, H.: Release of resource constraints allows greater carbon allocation to secondary metabolites and storage in winter wheat. Plant, Cell and Environment 40 (5), S. 672 - 685 (2017)
Cailleret, M.; Jansen, S.; Robert, E. M. R. ..; de Soto, L.; Aakala, T.; Antos, J. A.; Beikircher, B.; Bigler, C.; Bugmann, H.; Caccianiga, M. et al.; Cada, V.; Camarero, J. J. ..; Cherubini, P.; Cochard, H.; Coyea, M. R. ..; Cufar, K.; Das, A. J.; Davi, H.; Delzon, S.; Dorman, M.; Gea-Izquierdo, G.; Gillner, S.; Haavik, L. J. ..; Hartmann, H.; Heres, A.-M.; Hultine, K. R. ..; Janda, P.; Kane, J. M.; Kharuk, V. I. ..; Kitzberger, T.; Klein, T.; Kramer, K.; Lens, F.; Levanic, T.; Linares Calderon, J. C.; Lloret, F.; Lobodo-Vale, R.; Lombardi, F.; Lopez Rodriguez, R.; Mäkinen, H.; Mayr, S.; Meszaros, I.; Metsaranta, J. M.; Minunno, F.; Oberhuber, W.; Papadopoulos, A.; Peltoniemi, M.; Petritan, A. M.; Rohner, B.; Sangüesa-Barreda, G.; Sarris, D.; Smith, J. M.; Stan, A. B.; Sterck, F.; Stojanovic, D. B. ..; Suarez, M. L. ..; Svoboda, M.; Tognetti, R.; Torres-Ruiz, J. M.; Trotsiuk, V.; Villalba, R.; Vodde, F.; Westwood, A. R. ..; Wyckoff, P. H.; Zafirow, N.; Martinez-Vilalta, J.: A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality. Global Change Biology 23 (4), S. 1675 - 1690 (2017)
Huang, J.; Reichelt, M.; Chowdhury, S.; Hammerbacher, A.; Hartmann, H.: Increasing carbon availability stimulates growth and secondary metabolites via modulation of phytohormones in winter wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 68 (5), S. 1251 - 1263 (2017)
Hartmann, H.; Trumbore, S. E.: Understanding the roles of nonstructural carbohydrates in forest trees – from what we can measure to what we want to know. New Phytologist 211 (2), S. 386 - 403 (2016)
Muhr, J.; Messier, C.; Delagrange, S.; Trumbore, S. E.; Xu, X.; Hartmann, H.: How fresh is maple syrup? Sugar maple trees mobilize carbon stored several years previously during early springtime sap-ascent. New Phytologist 209 (4), S. 1410 - 1416 (2016)
Hartmann, H.: Carbon starvation during drought-induced tree mortality – are we chasing a myth? Journal of Plant Hydraulics 2, e-005 (2015)
Quentin, A. G.; Pinkard, E. A.; Ryan, M. G.; Tissue, D. T.; Baggett, L. S.; Adams, H. D.; Maillard, P.; Marchand, J.; Landhäusser, S. M.; Lacointe, A. et al.; Gibon, Y.; Anderegg, W. R.L.; Asao, S.; Atkin, O. K.; Bonhomme, M.; Claye, C.; Chow, P. S.; Clément-Vidal, A.; Davies, N. W.; Dickman, L. T.; Dumbur, R.; Ellsworth, D. S.; Falk, K.; Galiano, L.; Grünzweig, J. M.; Hartmann, H.; Hoch, G.; Hood, S.; Jones, J. E.; Koike, T.; Kuhlmann, I.; Lloret, F.; Maestro, M.; Mansfield, S. D.; Martínez-Vilalta, J.; Maucourt, M.; McDowell, N. G.; Moing, A.; Muller, B.; Nebauer, S. G.; Niinemets, Ü.; Palacio, S.; Piper, F.; Raveh, E.; Richter, A.; Rolland, G.; Rosas, T.; Joanis, B. S.; Sala, A.; Smith, R. A.; Sterck, F.; Stinziano, J. R.; Tobias, M.; Unda, F.; Watanabe, M.; Way, D. A.; Weerasinghe, L. K.; Wild, B.; Wiley, E.; Woodruff, D. R.: Non-structural carbohydrates in woody plants compared among laboratories. Tree Physiology 35 (11), S. 1146 - 1165 (2015)
Zhang, H.; Ziegler, W.; Han, X.; Trumbore, S. E.; Hartmann, H.: Plant carbon limitation does not reduce nitrogen transfer from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to Plantago lanceolata. Plant and Soil 396 (1-2), S. 369 - 380 (2015)
Fischer, S.; Hanf, S.; Frosch, T.; Gleixner, G.; Popp, J.; Trumbore, S. E.; Hartmann, H.: Pinus sylvestris switches respiration substrates under shading but not during drought. New Phytologist 207 (3), S. 542 - 550 (2015)
Hanf, S.; Fischer, S.; Hartmann, H.; Keiner, R.; Trumbore, S. E.; Popp, J.; Frosch, T.: Online investigation of respiratory quotients in Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies during drought and shading by means of cavity-enhanced Raman multi-gas spectrometry. Analyst 140 (13), S. 4473 - 4481 (2015)
Hartmann, H.; Adams, H. D.; Anderegg, W. R. L.; Jansen, S.; Zeppel, M. J. B.: Research frontiers in drought-induced tree mortality: crossing scales and disciplines. New Phytologist 205 (3), S. 965 - 969 (2015)
Hartmann, H.; McDowell, N. G.; Trumbore, S. E.: Allocation to carbon storage pools in Norway spruce saplings under drought and low CO2. Tree Physiology 35 (3), S. 243 - 252 (2015)
Pereyra, G.; Hartmann, H.; Michalzik, B.; Ziegler, W.; Trumbore, S. E.: Influence of Rhizobia inoculation on biomass gain and tissue nitrogen content of Leucaena leucocephala seedlings under drought. Forests 6, S. 3686 - 3703 (2015)
Trumbore, S. E.; Brando, P.; Hartmann, H.: Forest health and global change. Science 349 (6250), S. 814 - 818 (2015)
Ma, Z.; Hartmann, H.; Wang, H.; Li, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, S.: Carbon dynamics and stability between native Masson pine and exotic slash pine plantations in subtropical China. European Journal of Forest Research 133, S. 307 - 321 (2014)
Hartmann, H.; Ziegler, W.; Kolle, O.; Trumbore, S. E.: Thirst beats hunger – declining hydration during drought prevents carbon starvation in Norway spruce saplings. New Phytologist 200 (2), S. 340 - 349 (2013)
Hartmann, H.; Ziegler, W.; Trumbore, S. E.: Lethal drought leads to reduction in nonstructural carbohydrates in Norway spruce tree roots but not in the canopy. Functional Ecology 27 (2), S. 413 - 427 (2013)
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