Zeitschriftenartikel (14)
362 (6416), S. 758 (2018)
Climate change drives tree mortality. Science 2.
38 (11), S. 1706 - 1723 (2018)
The sweet side of global change–dynamic responses of non-structural carbohydrates to drought, elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization in tree species. Tree Physiology 3.
13, 093001 (2018)
Untangling methodological and scale considerations in growth and productivity trend estimates of Canada's forests. Environmental Research Letters 4.
219 (3), S. 851 - 869 (2018)
Drivers and mechanisms of tree mortality in moist tropical forests. New Phytologist 5.
43, S. 89 - 95 (2018)
Detours on the phloem sugar highway: stem carbon storage and remobilization. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 6.
152, S. 7 - 18 (2018)
Identifying differences in carbohydrate dynamics of seedlings and mature trees to improve carbon allocation in models for trees and forests. Environmental and Experimental Botany 7.
24 (6), S. 2339 - 2351 (2018)
Drought timing and local climate determine the sensitivity of eastern temperate forests to drought. Global Change Biology 8.
218 (1), S. 107 - 118 (2018)
Living on next to nothing: tree seedlings can survive weeks with very low carbohydrate concentrations. New Phytologist 9.
218 (1), S. 15 - 28 (2018)
Research frontiers for improving our understanding of drought-induced tree and forest mortality. New Phytologist 10.
217 (3), S. 984 - 987 (2018)
Monitoring global tree mortality patterns and trends. Report from the VW symposium 'Crossing scales and disciplines to identify global trends of tree mortality as indicators of forest health'. New Phytologist 11.
52 (23), S. 13811 - 13823 (2018)
New perspectives on CO2, temperature and light effects on BVOC emissions using online measurements by PTR-MS and cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 12.
38 (12), S. 1764 - 1778 (2018)
Standardized protocols and procedures can precisely and accurately quantify non-structural carbohydrates. Tree Physiology 13.
27 (7), S. 875 - 885 (2018)
Foliar nutrient resorption differs between arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal trees at local and global scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography 14.
32 (1), S. 203 - 213 (2018)
Facilitation by leguminous shrubs increases along a precipitation gradient. Functional Ecology