Zeitschriftenartikel (135)
8 (9), S. 2493 - 2506 (2011)
Does terrestrial drought explain global CO2 flux anomalies induced by El Nino? Biogeosciences 102.
11 (14), S. 6855 - 6870 (2011)
The CO2 release and Oxygen uptake from Fossil Fuel Emission Estimate (COFFEE) dataset: effects from varying oxidative ratios. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 103.
11 (19), S. 10071 - 10084 (2011)
TransCom continuous experiment: comparison of 222Rn transport at hourly time scales at three stations in Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 104.
11 (7), S. 3443 - 3458 (2011)
A Bayesian inversion estimate of N2O emissions for western and central Europe and the assessment of aggregation errors. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 105.
329 (5993), S. 834 - 838 (2010)
Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate. Science 106.
2 (4), S. 225 - 230 (2010)
Can we reconcile atmospheric estimates of the Northern terrestrial carbon sink with land-based accounting? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 107.
24, S. Gb4007 (2010)
Impact of climate change and variability on the global oceanic sink of CO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 108.
103 (1-2), S. 93 - 115 (2010)
European CO2 fluxes from atmospheric inversions using regional and global transport models. Climatic Change 109.
10 (4), S. 1599 - 1615 (2010)
Atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide observations from two European coastal stations 2000-2005: continental influence, trend changes and APO climatology. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 110.
10 (7), S. 3205 - 3213 (2010)
Technical Note: A new coupled system for global-to-regional downscaling of CO2 concentration estimation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 111.
10 (12), S. 5593 - 5599 (2010)
Co-located column and in situ measurements of CO2 in the tropics compared with model simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 112.
6 (5), S. 807 - 817 (2009)
Comparing high resolution WRF-VPRM simulations and two global CO2 transport models with coastal tower measurements of CO2. Biogeosciences 113.
9 (14), S. 5331 - 5342 (2009)
A two-step scheme for high-resolution regional atmospheric trace gas inversions based on independent models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 114.
2 (12), S. 842 - 850 (2009)
Importance of methane and nitrous oxide for Europe's terrestrial greenhouse-gas balance. Nature Geoscience 115.
6 (2), S. 285 - 295 (2009)
The interannual variability of Africa's ecosystem productivity: a multi-model analysis. Biogeosciences 116.
22 (3), S. B3009 (2008)
TransCom model simulations of hourly atmospheric CO2: experimental overview and diurnal cycle results for 2002. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 117.
319 (5863), S. 570c (2008)
Response to comments on "saturation of the southern ocean CO2 sink due to recent climate change". Science 118.
95 (3), S. 203 - 208 (2008)
Can the envisaged reductions of fossil fuel CO2 emissions be detected by atmospheric observations? Naturwissenschaften 119.
22 (4), S. B4013 (2008)
TransCom model simulations of hourly atmospheric CO2: Analysis of synoptic-scale variations for the period 2002-2003. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 120.
60 (5), S. 685 - 705 (2008)
Interannual variability in oceanic biogeochemical processes inferred by inversion of atmospheric O2/N2 and CO2 data. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology