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Isotope analysis of pyrolysis products from Sphagnum peat and dissolved organic matter from bog water. Organic Geochemistry 3.
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Microhabitat preferences and stable carbon isotopes of endobenthic Foraminifera: clue to quantitative reconstruction of oceanic new production? Marine Micropaleontology 4.
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Do stable isotopes reflect the food web development in regenerating ecosystems? Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 5.
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Die Beeinflussung von Sukzessionsprozesses auf Schieferhalden des Uranbergbaus durch mikroklimatische und edaphische Faktoren - 1. Untersuchungsansatz, Datenanalyse und erste Ergebnisse. Successional processes on slate dumps of uranium mining in relation to microclimatic and edaphic factors - 1. Sampling, data analysis and first results. Beiträge zur Ökologie 6.
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Black carbon in soils and sediments: Analysis, distribution, implications, and current challenges. Global Biogeochemical Cycles