IMPRS workshop 'How to plan your science career in Germany and abroad'
- Date: May 12, 2022
Category: Transferable skills
Credit points: 0.4
1. Time & place
May 12, 2022
MPI for Biogeochemistry, Jena
Approximately timetable
Start: 9.00 am
End: 5 pm
2. The instructor
Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf counsels students and scientists in all relevant questions concerning their careers. He has been responsible for supporting the appointing procedure of new professors at Jena University, has been head of LehreLernen – the training centre for university teachers – and has done recruitment for private businesses. He has founded together with colleagues out of public administration and private businesses.
3. The class
3.1 Description
Science careers are demanding. But the biggest difficulty seems to be that it seems somehow impossible to plan them to the end. On the other hand there are some rules one could use to plan at least the most important steps.
Science careers are somehow similar from one country to another, but there are some big differences making careers more or less risky. In this workshop we use Germany as an example and then we will compare it with ways in the UK and USA. The workshop will deal with the complete career ladder - from PhD to the appointment to a chair - and will address the most important career steps and different career aims.
Things we talk about:
What is the goal in science career – how far do I have to go in different science systems?
What are single steps in the career after PhD?
What are the achievements I need like publications, 3rd-party-funding, networks etc.?
Which personal competencies (soft skills) do I need?
What should I do as PostDoc? How could I structure this career step?
What are the risks and difficulties? And how could I minimize my risks?
How long could I stay and when might it become difficult to change to industry and other sectors?
What is needed for application for PostDoc-positions and (Junior-) Professorships?
How do I prepare job interviews in science?
3.2 Preparation
Please bring an internet-enabled notebook or tablet with you – we will need it for the job search.