IMPRS retreat 2022
- Start: Aug 29, 2022
- End: Aug 30, 2022
Mandatory event
Place MPI-BGC (lecture hall)
Date Aug 29-30, 2022
1. Learn from each other
It is an important aim of the PhD program to facilitate the exchange among the young researchers and with experienced scientists. This targeted support is important since PhD researchers and advisors are spread across several institutes. Our retreat contributes significantly to a team spirit and to the development of personal career networks through scientific discussions after presentations of PhD researchers and during poster sessions, as well as via informal exchange during the breaks and discussion rounds.
It is our networking event for a lively exchange between all IMPRS members. This means there will be opportunity
• to present your work
• to get to know other PhD researchers and advisors
• learn about overarching research questions in Earth system science
• ask about (for example)
o techniques used in other fields of science
o science in general
o advise, mentoring and career planning
All PhD researchers should join. All IMPRS-faculty members and associated scientists are also strongly encouraged to participate.
2. Agenda
The agenda will be posted here soon.
2.1 3-min talks & related project sessions
Presentations during the retreat should help other IMPRS members to understand what you are doing. That is why every PhD researcher should present his/her work in a short talk. Here you can download templates for slides and posters.
3-min talk
Your 3-min talk (template) should be understandable for everybody in the audience with a broad variety of different backgrounds (chemists, microbiologists, physicists, mathematiciens etc.). Everything that is too long or too complex for this short talk should go into your poster.
So rather present some key concepts or select one key result. Make sure to explain what is new and important about your work. What are overarching/related questions in biogeochemistry and Earth system science?
Select only one aspect of your PhD project, either
• your thesis concept, or
• your context/motivation, or
• one key result/graph/figure.
Discuss with your advisor(s) in advance to identify this aspect.
Every PhD researcher will give a 3-min talk (max. 3 slides) followed by a very short discussion (urgent questions). Thereafter the related poster session will take place.
Poster session
Every doctoral researcher should bring a poster (Poster template) to the retreat. Show interesting aspects of your work that do not fit into the 3-min talk. This could be
• (further) results
• details about your project background/setup
• questions you have
• etc.
You can also bring a recent existing poster.
2.2 Parallel session
The parallel session will give you time to discuss important issues among your peers.
PhD researchers
On Monday horizontal discussions will be carried out in groups according to the stage of PhD project / cohorts in the following seminar rooms:
- session A: C1.011
- session B: B2.001
- session C: A2.025
- session D: C2.011
This year we would like to focus on the
topic "mental health". Please contact me if you have things which should
be covered / addressed.
On Tuesday a topic-related discussion with alumni and late-stage PhD
candidates is planned. Please contribute actively with topics of your
interest in both sessions and contact your PhD representatives if you have any questions.
Faculty members, group leaders and postdocs
Feel free to submit topics of your interest. The coordination office considers the following topics:
- Admission of new faculty members
- Doctoral supervision at FSU Jena
On Monday we will meet in B0.002 and on Tuesday we will discuss in the following groups and rooms:
- Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences (B0.004)
- Faculty of Biological Sciences (C2.011)
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (B2.001)
Breakout: walk and talk
All members are highly encouraged to make use of the break-out session to exchange about science and other topics of interest like career planning, dual career, etc.