Publikationen von U. Seibt

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Seibt, U.; Wingate, L.; Berry, J. A.: Nocturnal stomatal conductance effects on the δ18O signatures of foliage gas exchange observed in two forest ecosystems. Tree Physiology 27 (4), S. 585 - 595 (2007)
Wingate, L.; Seibt, U.; Moncrieff, J. B.; Jarvis, P. G.; Lloyd, J.: Variations in 13C discrimination during CO2 exchange by Picea sitchensis branches in the field. Plant, Cell and Environment 30 (5), S. 600 - 616 (2007)
Seibt, U.; Wingate, L.; Berry, J. A.; Lloyd, J.: Non-steady state effects in diurnal 18O discrimination by Picea sitchensis branches in the field. Plant, Cell and Environment 29 (5), S. 928 - 939 (2006)
Hoffmann, G.; Cuntz, M.; Weber, C.; Ciais, P.; Friedlingstein, P.; Heimann, M.; Jouzel, J.; Kaduk, J.; Maier-Reimer, E.; Seibt, U. et al.; Six, K.: A model of the Earth's Dole effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (1), GB1008 (2004)
Seibt, U.; Brand, W. A.; Heimann, M.; Lloyd, J.; Severinghaus, J. P.; Wingate, L.: Observations of O2:CO2 exchange ratios during ecosystem gas exchange. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (4), S. GB4024 (2004)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Seibt, U.: Processes controlling the isotopic composition of CO2 and O2 in canopy air: a theoretical analysis with some observations in a Sitka spruce plantation. Dissertation, 24 Bl. S., Universität, Hamburg (2003)
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